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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

PYN #2 - Disneygeek (Obsession Gone Too Far?)

Jun 5, 2013 by Joe__Rogan
Disneygeek - Where do I start....well to be honest I think you're a bit of an eccentric character, not to say that it's a bad thing but you are a little bizarre. I find it a little strange that someone at your age is so obsessed with Disney, a corporation that is marketed specifically to children.

TBH I wouldn't find you as off putting if you just dropped this weird act of liking Disney so much, sometimes I think it's all a joke and you're just some type of hipster trying to prove a point of how evil Disney really is, but that really isn't the case, you're just a teenager who likes a children's brand and it's very fucking strange.

My honest advice for you: it's time to grow up. don't be afraid of letting go of your childhood, we all have to sometime friend. it's time to throw out your stuffed animals and become a man and drop this weird disney shit.

Anyways... I warned people I was going to be 100% honest in these PYN's so please don't flip out, this was honestly constructive criticism from a friend to a friend.

Cheers :)


It's sad that you have to hide yourself behind a multi to make hate blogs about somebody you don't like.
Sent by sihz,Jun 5, 2013
sihz - This isn't a multi. I haven't played this site in an absolute age and reregistered only to find Disneygeek 2 years later was still obsessed with a children's company. I did this out of kindness of my heart, I have no hate towards him.
Sent by Joe__Rogan,Jun 5, 2013
Sihz - Also incase you didn't realize this is a "PYN for honest opinion" blog. If someone can't handle the truth, they shouldn't post. Simple as tha pal.
Sent by Joe__Rogan,Jun 5, 2013
@joe_rogan thanks for the suggestions but the Disney cooperation actually is for all ages, not just children. Look on YouTube  you will see grow up people in their 20's 30's and 40's that are just like me.
So thanks for the suggestions but no one will change me okay? I love disney no one can tell me not to and make me run from my dream I which I've wanted to do all my life. I've waited so long to finally have my dream come true, and in 2 years it'll come to me.

Thanks sihz for sticking up for me
Sent by disneygeek,Jun 6, 2013
Sent by disneygeek,Jun 6, 2013

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