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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

My BB15 Rankings- Final 12

Aug 1, 2013 by Jnips
These rankings are my opinion on who is in the best position right now in the BB15 game, not whoever I think will win. Things change in the BB game, expect the unexpected! I also put a lot of work into writing this, so please dont neg just because you don't feel like reading. I'd love to hear your feedback!

1.Andy- The dude hasn't been nominated and is in literally every conversation in the house. You may think he's floating at first, but his social game is off the charts. He could probably pull off a memory HOH or an endurance HOH if he needed it too.

2.Judd- J U DOUBLE D. Judd's in a good position right now because everyone likes him! Apparently there has been some Drama surrounding him this week, but I think that it will blow over. His alliance with Jessie will further him as she is a pawn and not a strong player at all.

3. Jessie- She might be the biggest floater in this game right now. People have nominated her and considered nominating her because they know she will not go home. I could see Jessie getting evicted in the final 5. She may be able to pull of a HOH here and there as well. She's disposable at any time, but will not be evicted for a while. It would be a good move for someone like Helen or Andy to get her out so that they do not get a lot of blood on their hands.

4.Helen- I personally hate Helen. I feel as though if she is a tyrant for power, but she will stop at nothing to win this game. It would be a smart move to get her out, but I think that she'll be around until Elissa goes.

5.McCrae- He needs to ditch the girl. Seriously. All this guy does is put literally all of his time into Amanda. It's a good move but i'm having trouble believing if he will take her out at the right time. Because if he waits to late, he'll be the one in Jury first.

6.GinaMarie- Another floater. Disposable at anytime. She has an alright social game, but not nearly as good as Andy's. Not much to say about her.

7.Spencer- Not as big as a target as Howard. If spencer can outlive Howard in this game, I could see him going far. He doesn't have too many people, but he's a friendly guy. He did a good job in the POV comp this week. Seems like he may be able to dig himself out of a whole when possible. The only thing that he could've done better was to use the POV on Howard so that the noms would be Spencer/ Candice/ Amanda and Amanda would go home.

8. Aaryn- Aaryn/Spencer/GinaMarie are all close together in my rankings. Depending on how you look at it, any one of them could be higher depending on any given moment. Aaryn had a rocky start, and is turning her game around. She will probably make it to the Final 10 or 9.

9. Elissa- Not a great player with the MVP twist right now, she is in an alliance with Helen, but Elissa probably has the worst chance of winning this game as of right now. The only 3 people with a worse chance are the people below her. Not much to say about Elissa.

10. Candice- Sorry girl, but you have an absolutely terrible social game. You don't have any alliances with any besides "Howie". Spencer will ditch you after "Howie" leaves. You'll probably make it to the Final 8  before people get tired of you always borrowing their stuff.

11. Amanda- You better start campaigning to get your boyfriend out. Your gonna be going soon, especially if this MVP twist keeps happening. America hates you girl, and can you blame them? You need to calm down in this game. A week ago you were probably in the best position, but when your not in complete power, you are the (almost) end of the totem pole.

12. Howard- At first I really liked you! Then you opened your mouth. You need to throw a Hail Mary Pass in order to stay this week, and you actually might! Either way, your probably gone this week or next week depending on whether or not Amanda leaves and Candice/ Spencer win HOH. It's been real.

Thanks for reading! If you have any comments, just comment them! Friend me, or message me if you wanna talk!
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uh if it's not who you think will win, best position for what?
Sent by best,Aug 1, 2013
best best position in the game right now. Just because you can be in the best position right now, doesn't mean you will win. Twists, arguments, and backstabbing can happen at any moment. A good example is Amanda, a week or two ago the was living the good life. Now, she is in danger of being evicted if Howard's plan goes through.
Sent by Jnips,Aug 1, 2013
Sent by SurvivorRocks,Aug 1, 2013
"You may think he's floating at first,"

Andy is floating. He has no solid allegiance.
Sent by Loopulle,Aug 1, 2013
loopulle he doesn't have a solid alliance your right. But he is friends with everyone, and he has some good friends as well. He's a really smart person, and is playing a good game right now. Some might think he's floating, but I don't think he is. He's playing a better game than Jessie who is a floater.
Sent by Jnips,Aug 1, 2013
Jnips +10
don't let the negs bother you :P
Sent by best,Aug 1, 2013
best hey thanks!:) means alot!
Sent by Jnips,Aug 1, 2013
Jnips, he is a floater. He's floating between the powers. Just accept it.
Sent by Loopulle,Aug 1, 2013
loopulle he's playing the game, this is just my opinion. Thanks for the feedback, but I'm not arguing my opinion.
Sent by Jnips,Aug 1, 2013
Jnips, do you genuinely think that a floater is someone who's not doing anything? =.=
Sent by Loopulle,Aug 1, 2013
loopulle he's not floating between powers though. He's not aligned with Aaryn or Ginamarie. He's with Helen and Elissa and Judd and is willing to make moves to further himself. He has a great social game. He may not be winning HOH's yet but he strategizes a lot. It's had to be a floater when it's still early in the game. Your dismissed.
Sent by Jnips,Aug 1, 2013
Jnips, let me take out the irrelevant information so we can use your comment properly.

"he's not floating between powers though. He's not aligned with Aaryn or Ginamarie. He's with Helen and Elissa and Judd."

Everyone else is irrelevant. He's barely with Helen, Elissa, and Judd. He's drawn no actual lines yet. He talks to everyone equally and has sucked up to pretty much everyone.
Sent by Loopulle,Aug 1, 2013

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