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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Mar 28, 2009 by Jiggleoo
Ok so It started in first grade we met when playing soccer. She was my first real friend when we were little we laughed and played all day. Then when we went to upper elementary she told me everything and I helped her through it and she helped me. Then later in Middle School (Now) We are in the same class and we were best friends at first and I kinda felt like I really Love this girl! So I kept it a secret latley (Before she found out) She started to get this tone with me like everything i said she was like ya umm sure whatever. Now I'm really ticked I always ask are you mad at me or something and she's like "umm noo" Then I'm like ok then and Walk away. I can't tell her though cause she's so mean she wouldn't care. That's the incredibly Long tale.


Awww I feel Bad :(
Sent by GoAlexandra,Mar 28, 2009
Hey, it's okay, heck it might not even be you. Maybe she's having problems at home that's making her angry. Girls can be weird like that, their emotions affect everything always.
Sent by Restless,Mar 28, 2009
Been there done that. People are stupid x[ (+)
Sent by Carrieem313,Mar 28, 2009
+4! Jiggle!
Sent by sam_cutie567,Mar 28, 2009
awwww im sorry! you'll wind up liking someone better.
Sent by Emmaleigh,Mar 28, 2009
aww i hope everything works out!!
Sent by SamSon,Mar 30, 2009
I had the exact same thing in 7th grade I never told her tho...
Sent by kcdavis,Apr 2, 2009

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