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The Amazing Race Finale

Dec 22, 2012 by JacksonJ12
3 teams are left

Lavaworks and BassAbsol, started out as a really strong team and near the end they were saved by the non-elimination can they get first just one more time and win?

SamSam14 and Zrtuy, were the quiet team for a long time, but when push came to shove they stepped it up and got two 1st places. Will they keep finishing strong and win?

kavalle and shawnpat7, being outgoing and willing to try anything definitely helped them in this race. They were all over the place in the rankings! From 1st to second last to 2nd they were all over the place. But they were doing something right because here they are in the finals. Will they win?

All 3 teams have done very well in this race but its time for it to come to an end. Good luck everybody.

For the finale, the teams are going to Las Vegas, Nevada.

1st Road Block : In this road block teams must go to the Bellagio casino. One member from each  team must then go to the blackjack table and beat the dealer three times. Once they do this the dealer will give them their next clue.

2nd Road Block : In this road block one member from each team must get to the top of the Palazzo hotel. Once they get to the top they must go on the roof and look around the city for their next clue (there will be a blimp flying near the hotel telling teams to go to the Venetian hotel.)

3rd Road Block : In this road block, one member from each team must learn and memorize how to make 3 different drinks. And serve them to customers at the bar in the Venetian. Once the bartender approves, she will give them their next clue.

Finish Line : The finish line is located on the Desert Pines golf course.

Here we go, the team who finishes in first place is... kavalle and shawnpat7

Congratulations!!! You have won The Amazing Race season 1!

Second place goes to SamSam14 and Zrtuy


Third place goes to Lavaworks and BassAbsol

Good job!

Thanks to everyone for playing! It was so much fun to write!


Third place :)
can we have t's now lol
Sent by BassAbsol,Dec 22, 2012
that was great JacksonJ12 i loved reading this

and thanks to my awesome partner shawnpat7
Sent by kavalle,Dec 22, 2012
awe that was so much fun! thanks everyone!
Sent by shawnpat7,Dec 22, 2012
aww darn! but 2nd is good :D SamSam14
Sent by Zrtuy,Dec 22, 2012

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