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VOTE: Best Pet!

Apr 28, 2009 by Jackattack
hi i really wanted to know what u think about pets, so please post comments saying what your favourite pet is, here are my views on common pets:
DOGS - dogs are great if they are friendly, they are really loving and have huge personalities, i have never had one but i look after my dads friends dog when he goes on holiday (which is a lot). Although some dogs can be pretty nasty sometimes but its usually due to bad experiences that the dog might have had. my rating 4 out of 5!
CATS - never really had a cat either, i only ever held a cat when i went to my mates house, and they were really nice but they scratch u without meaning to. they also kill everything in your garden too and bring it to your doorstep which i suppose is annoying. but i know a lot of people like cats, but i dunt know much about them. so my rating will be 3 out of 5.
MICE - never owned mice either but they look really smal and cute to keep. i must say i've always wanted to keep mice, but on the other hand they look to fast to catch if they get loose so i dunno. my uncle used to breed mice and he thinks they are great, but idunt know really. my rating is therefore again 3 out of 5.
RATS - now i know this sounds weird but i love rats, everyone hates them but they are really good pets. i have 2 rats and they are almost as friendly as dogs, they are really playful too. they have never bitten me either. many people dunt like them cos they have long thick tails and rumours tha they carry disease. their tails are not disgusting in anyway, they just look it and they do not carry disease because they are specially bred for pets. only sewer rats and wild rats carry disease. my rating 5 out of 5.
HAMSTERS - hamsters are ok, i mean they are cute and fluffy but they aren't the nicest of pets. i have been bitten lots of times by hamsters and it made me bleed for ages which is annoying, but i dunt mind that. they also have to live alone or else they kill and eat each other. on the good side though, they only need a small space to live in and they dunt smell too bad, but they knaw at eveything. i haven't had hamsters but i know many people who have. so hamsters for me are a 2 out of 5, sorry hamster lovers :(
GERBILS - i have had gerbils as pets and they were awful (sorry if u have nice gerbils, this is just my experience). i cudn't even pick them up cos they just never stopped biting and scratching! it made it worse cos we had a complicated cage where it was hard to catch them! not much else to say really. 1 out of 5 (based on my experience, no offence gerbil lovers)
RABBITS - rabbits! again i've had ne but had another bad experience. we called him tony but he always scratched too so we cud never pick him up :( and one day he ran away and escaped his hutch so tha was it for tony. i know rabbits can be really nice pets though. so i give rabbits a 3 out of 5!
GUINEA PIGS - i have not had much experience with guinea pigs. my cousins had 2 but that was like 7 years ago, but they were nice i think. i also held one a bit ago and it just froze and dint do nothing so that was weird. they seem ok though so i give them 3 ut of 5!
REPTILES - i've always wanted a snake for sum reason (a python actually) i think reptiles look really cool! but i think some types of lizards are a bit freaky. i think its awsome if u got to put a python round the back of your neck though, i have only held one. chamealons look great too, but dunt look much fun. the bad point with reptiles is they need special tanks and stuff and u have to feed them either dead rats, dead mice or live insects, which dunt sound great. but overall 3 out of 5 again.
sorry thats all my views, now please TELL ME YOURS! THANKS!!!


omg Rats? lol ewww lol
Hamsters rule and so do dogs. There awesome. <33
Sent by LuciousLauraxx,Apr 28, 2009
Sent by Jackattack,Apr 28, 2009
Hamsters are evil little shits
Sent by Richpaca,Apr 28, 2009
I have a rat, he's awesome :D
Sent by nickynickynicky,Apr 28, 2009
Dogs & Cats +++++
Sent by Danny7,Apr 28, 2009

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