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Fantasy Survivor Blog: BvBvB Episode 2

Jan 27, 2014 by JShameless
Previously on Survivor,

Tribes were split into three teams. Brains Brawn and Beauty. Brains team triumphed overall with Ciera trying to put herself in a leadership role. Beauty had some problems with cattiness and everyone targeted Jerri. However, it was Brawn's who lost the challenge and had to go to tribal council. Ozzy and Malcolm butted heads and after some coaxing from Stephenie Malcolm sided with the girls and voted off Ozzy. Who will be sent packing on this episode of SURVIVOR!

-Coming Back from Tribal Council that night-

Yul: Obviously the Brawns team has a lot they need to work out. They made a dumb move getting rid of Ozzy like that.

Todd: You sound unhappy about it, shit Ozzy's gone, that's one less asshole I have to worry  about blindsiding in the merge.

Yul: Todd..simmer down

Todd: Lighten up Yule, it was a joke, but I wouldn't be the first to blindside Ozzy. >.>

Cirie: Don't look at me!

Todd [Confessional]: Welcome to stage 1, make everyone realize that they hate each other. I get so tired of the camaraderie bullshit, if more people just show how they're feeling it gives me a better idea of how they are playing.

Cochran [Confessional]: Todd's very aggressive this season. I remember him being a lot more lowkey, but I guess he realizes he can't get away with being a "rat" twice, as Courtney would so eloquently put it.

James: You know what, I'll be the first to address the elephant in the room. I think that was a dumb move, whether you like it or not we needed him.

Stephenie: I'll be sure to send him a love letter for you.

James: Stephenie go to sleep, you're drunk Stephenie. You're drunk.

Stephenie [confessional]: James does not intimidate me at all or in the slightest and I'll definitely let him know that. I didn't get the survivor record I have by playing like a chump.

Malcolm [confessional]: I'm all for drama, hey, it takes the target off my back!

-The next morning-

Beauty (the boys are talking alone)
Colby: Dude you slept next to Jerri, really?
Aras: I know what I'm doing Colby. The girl just needs a friend.
Fabio: She needs a lilttle more than a friend if you ask me.
Jerri (from a distance): GUYS, TREEMAIL!

Aras [confessional]: I honestly can't help but think that Colby is a little jealous. This love/hate relationship him and Jerri has is honestly getting a bit old.

Fabio [confessional]: If Aras shags Jerri, I'll barf. Dude, I promise, I'll barf.

Welcome Survivors to today's immunity challenge. Today you will all be feasting...on the absolute worst delicacies we could find. Here's how today's challenge will work, each time will enter one tribe mate at a time, the three to enter will have to scarf down their meal quick. the last to do so will be out of the challenge, and their team will have to send someone else in. the last team with a man standing wins. You will be playing for immunity, fishing gear, and the ability to watch tonight's tribal council. 1st place will get all of these rewards, 2nd will only get immunity and last will get to vote someone off tonight. Brains, Beauty who are you guys gonna be sitting out?

Cochran: My chance of being successful int his challenge are statistically impossible, so only naturally...

Aras: I'll be sitting out as well.

-The challenge begins with Ciera, James and Jud. They are tasked with devouring cockroaches.

Cockroaches- James, Jud. Ciera eliminated.
Worms- Jud, James. Cirie eliminated.
Dung Beetles- Todd, James. Jud eliminated.
Crickets- James, Todd. Colby eliminated.
Cow Tongue- James, Jerri. Todd eliminated.
Camel Spider- Jerri, Denise. James eliminated.
Glass of manure water- Denise, Stephenie. Jerri eliminated.
Cicada- Brenda, Stephenie. Denise eliminated.
Maggot Pie- Stephenie, Yul. Brenda eliminated.
Pig Genitals- Parvati, Stephenie. Yul eliminated. (Brains get 3rd)

Yul [confessional]: I feel like a complete failure, all eyes were on me in that challenge.

Boiled Cactus: Stephenie. Parvati eliminated. (Beauty 2nd) (Brawns 1st)

Malcolm: Damn, i gotta give it up to Stephenie! That girl's got an iron stomach!-

Congratulations Brawns team, you get fishing gear and a nice feast, unliek this one, at Tribal Council. Brains, Beauty I got nothing for ya, head back to camp.

-Back at Camp-

-The survivors celebrate their win and idolize Stephenie, much to the ire of James who believes he is half way responsible for the tribe's win. Stephenie talks to Malcolm one on one and they discuss that the right time to get rid of James would be after breaking up the friendship between Laura and Jane. James goes to Laura and Jane pleading with them but Laura is very stern with him. Jane sympathizes with him but complies with Laura in outcasting him.-

James [confessional]: I know I'm on the oust and quite honestly it would be dumb for them to get rid of me at this point. I practically won the challenge for them!

-Jerri taunts Colby's weakness in the challenge and Colby dismisses her but Jerri continues to push the issue leading Colby to call Jerri a bitch under his breath. Parvati hears and voices her disgust to Colby and the girls sympathize with Jerri while Jud sympathizes with Colby. Aras tries to comfort both parties and he gets into discussion with Parvati about an idol, and Parvati thinks their may not be one this season.-

Parvati [confessional]: Jeff hasn't mentioned anything about an idol and I don't think that there is one this season, no clues, no references and even in casting producers seemed  to avoid the topic.

-Yul begins to apologize and try to promote camaraderie within the team. Todd laughs him off. Denise gathers Todd and tries to get him to calm down in an effort to form a winners' alliance. Todd promises to vote off Cirie and confirms it with Cochran as well. Yul tries to have a one on one with Todd and Todd even apologizes saying that he knows getting rid of Cirie is the best move. Todd then talks to Cirie and Ciera alone about the possibility of getting rid of Denise. Cirie cites Sandra saying as long as it isn't her. Cirie then alerts Ciera to the fact that they may be getting tricked by Todd who knows that 3 isn't enough numbers to get rid of anyone. Cirie and Ciera enlist Denise and tell her that her best bet is to get rid of the big schemers like Todd and Yul, who are both likeable and manipulative. Denise passes the message along to Cochran and they fiddle with the idea of getting rid of Todd. Cochran talks to Cirie and Ciera alone about his options and Ciera mentions that if Cochran picks off Cirie and herself, it will be obvious that there is a winners' alliance and that all the winenrs will be picked off in the merge.-

Cochran [confessional]: The beginning of the game is the part that always makes or breaks you. It lays out all of these options for you and most of them lead to your demise while the best option could possibly lead to you winning the title of sole survivor.

Before we start today's tribal I would first like to introduce the Brawns tribe, they will be sitting in on you while enjoying smoked ham, wine, and fruit. Now let's get started, Yul, you seem the most disappointed when your tribe lost, is this accurate?

Yul: I think we were all very disappointed. But me being the last person to participate and putting that final sword int he coffin, it puts a target on my back and I was quite worried.

This is a thing that always interests me in All Star seasons. They are less likely to eliminate people based on challenge performance, they start playing the game hard from the beginning, so does this worry you or put you at ease?

Cochran: Both Jeff. It puts me at ease to know my challenge failure could possibly be forgiven and it makes my hair crawl to think that some people would risk losing every challenge in order to take out a power player.

But this is the brains tribe, as far as challenge beasts, who are you all most reliant on?

Cirie: I actually don't think that we're reliant on anyone and that's the beauty of having a brains tribe. We're smart enough to know that we all need each other in some form or facet.

Well since this is the time where someone gets voted off, do you vote off the one that you need the least, or does it go much deeper than that?

Todd: Jeff I think you're fully aware of how deep it goes. When it comes to Survivor any little thing can send you a home, at any time, you always got to be vigilant on this show. That's why so many people come out here and get very paranoid.

Well let's see if that paranoia is deserved, it is time to vote!

Yul: Cirie, you're a wonderful player, you're a smart girl, I'm sorry I had to do this and I wish you the best.

Cochran: Cirie, I've studied this game enough to know that anyone who can get me to consider axing an ally this early is a bigger threat than any ally you've named.

Todd: Cirie, Nothing personal, just business.

Denise: Cirie, I'm deeply sorry, this may be a grave mistake but keeping you comes with it's own set of risks.

Cirie: Todd, look I don't know what game you're playing but I'm not buying it.

Ciera: Todd, I hope this works, if not I may need you to save my ass. Sorry

That's 4 votes Cirie and 2 votes Todd. Sorry Cirie, but your tribe has spoken. Well, that was a first in a lot of difficult choices you all know you'll have to amke. Keep in mind no one is safe, everyone has a reason to be paranoid. Goodnight.

Cirie [confessional]: I really didn't think people would put the target that they did on my back but, what can you do? They got me before I got them, that's Survivor for you.

[Make your predictions for episode 3 and tell me what you guys think :)]

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