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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

firsttt eveer post thingyyy (:

Jul 16, 2009 by JBCrazy
yeaaah so the title says it all (:
i shouuldve maadee one agess agoo buut i didnt knoow whaat to write :P
buut ho hum.
ivee maade loaads of friends alreaady and i lovee theem all xDD
yeaah so thiisss is juust a random post and i haave noo ideaa whaaat to writee so im juust gunna end it off here :L
see yaaaa' ;)


I luv this blog it's so plain it's unique
Sent by moup94,Jul 16, 2009
xDD thaankks
Sent by JBCrazy,Jul 16, 2009
Sent by imxrated93,Jul 17, 2009

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