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ImNotYourStar's Blog

Posts 10 posts

Why I've been gone forever... Jun 28, 2010
For anyone who was wondering, if anyone was wondering, I've been gone from Tengaged for quite a while. I got really sick with H1N1 in December and it took forever to go away, and actually turned into Mono eventually. I think I'm finally starting to feel better, so I'm back! Hopefully nothing else will come up now.
Points: 27 2 comments
Survivor: Heroes vs. Villains Episode 1 Feb 12, 2010
I'm so sad that Sugar went home already. She was my favorite survivor ever. I can understand the rest of the tribe's reasons for sending her home, though.

This season is already exciting. I love the seasons where they bring back former Survivors. The way they strategize is so much different than people who are new to the game. I also love that we don't need to take time to get to know the cast.
Points: 0 0 comments
Survivor: Russell and Monica Dec 12, 2009
Why don't these people get rid of Russell when they have the chance to? Obviously he's not going to play the idol if he's wearing it around his neck. He's just doing it to scare people. Now, I think Russell is a great player. Probably the best Survivor has ever had, so I'm not saying anything against him. All I'm saying is that none of the remaining Survivors are going to win against him if they take him to the end. Don't they see that? I don't think any of them are very good at thinking ahead. They need to be playing to get to the final at this point and they're not. I've never liked him, but at this point I'm hoping he wins because he's the only person that's actually playing this game.

I thought Monica trying to stir something up at camp was hilarious. She was never one of my favorites, but that was so good. She's totally right too. She knew she was going, so why not give all of the other people something to think about and fight over on her way out? It's a good strategy. Make everyone turn against each other, so they start fighting to win for themselves instead of bringing Russell through every Tribal Council. I suppose, now that Monica and other knows about Russell's real occupation and income, Russell could be in trouble. I have no doubt in my mind that Monica will try to get people to vote against him since he doesn't technically need the money and someone sitting up there against him might need it more. I still think everyone will think he played the best game and give him the money, though.
Points: 16 3 comments
Casting #11030 and #11010 Dec 4, 2009
Unfortunately, I didn't make it very far in Casting #11010. I got voted out in 10th place. Congrats to gggggggggg for winning!

Casting #11030 went much better. I made it to the final day. I think I was only nommed once if I remember correctly. Somehow we played DoND almost every day in that Casting, which sucked. It was also a very quiet game. Haha. We had just under 350 comments on the last day. I finished in 3rd place. I was hoping for 1st, but hopefully next time! Congrats to lukeo1 for winning!
Points: 0 0 comments
Survivor: Samoa - Shambo and Voting Strategies Nov 24, 2009
Please, please get rid of Shambo next week (this week is the recap episode). She is so annoying. I know a lot of people love her, but I can't stand watching her anymore. Her mannerisms are so irksome. I can't take it anymore! Ever since she teamed up with Russell it's gotten worse. She just needs to leave already. Galu should have voted her out when they had the chance. They always knew she was going to flip if she got to the merge. She said she liked being at Foa Foa better because they treated her better. I'm sure they figured, even if she flipped they would still have the numbers, but then they voted out Eric, so they lost one member who was quite annoying, but was probably the most loyal. Then, they went for Russell, which is stupid when they knew he had the idol. Of course he's going to figure that out and play the idol, so they lost Kelly. Why Kelly, though? Foa Foa had their pick of the litter, and they went for Kelly? Why not take out Dave or John then? Someone who does well in challenges and could potentially win immunity. Kelly wasn't a huge threat at the time. It doesn't really make sense. That was the one thing that the old Foa Foa tribe did that wasn't very smart. The Galu tribe, strong as they are (or were), is really stupid. John is right - all of their voting strategies have been idiotic. Thanks to their inability to think about future consequences, the numbers now fall Galu - 4, Foa Foa - 5. Unless John is now teaming up with Foa Foa, as well.

I'm still on the fence about whether or not John's choice about flipping and voting out Laura was stupid or smart. What do you all think?
Points: 0 2 comments
Designs Nov 22, 2009
Could you plus these designs please? Thank you. :)
Points: 6 0 comments