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The Ihearyourhot's blog

Posts 123 posts

if I really think about it i havent really enjoyed a bbus season since #14 Apr 6, 2020
it's like every year they cast the same stereotypes or people who just look hot in swimsuits with no personality. i think the golden era of bb is long gone and production needs a major over haul
Points: 31 4 comments
check out what i named my playlist a few weeks ago Apr 5, 2020
imagei guess you can say im not a huge fan
Points: 33 5 comments
when i get a pizza coupon saying i can get 5 toppings I get so overwhelmed Apr 5, 2020
like 2 toppings seems to much sometimes what type of savage needs five
Points: 25 3 comments
who has 2 thumbs and a mesed up sleping pattern? Apr 5, 2020
this guy! (me)
Points: 22 2 comments
do you all think you'd make a good parent? Apr 4, 2020
i thinking about this earlier  and i think i would. im real reckless at times but i think if i had a bundle of joy it would mature me and help me become a better man. gonna try to find someone who will let me knock them up once corona season ends so we can raise a little one <3
Points: 39 5 comments
my mottos throughout life Apr 4, 2020
ages 0-10 try not to pee myself before the bell rings
ages 11-17 try to graduate without slapping one of these teachers
ages 18- 24 if your not wasted your day is
age 25 (now) - always be playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers
Points: 39 6 comments