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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Advice plz

Sep 20, 2014 by Horseey
imageThis is my son, Horse West
Before he was born, his mum and I had a big falling out, she moved fields and refused to share her long, delicious looking grass with me. Towards the due date we spoke and we agreed for the baby's benefit we should try and get along and so with that she allowed me to be at the birth.  Eventually we talked and she said we could have a DNA test done to confirm that I was the dad (And I am!). He's four now and recently something has been on my mind ...... sure the DNA proved I was the daddy, but how do I really know she is the real mum? Any suggestions? North looks nothing like her, and I starting to get real scared that the real mum is going to take him away. She is the only horse i've ever been with and so if she isn't the mum, it would break my heart.


Lmao I can't
Sent by Archerskyfire,Sep 20, 2014
You... You are married?!
Sent by Kaseyhope101,Sep 24, 2014

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