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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

♥ someone tell me whats showing on TV ♥

Jul 3, 2011 by Home


Okay Hi! My name is Boxxy, and, um I was just a-surfin, on the Internets, like I dooo, and um I happened across your video, and um so I watched it, um and you were talking about meeeee! And so I just thought that I should make you this video um to clear a couple of things up.

Um, okay so um, I think that you're confused, um because the girl that you hacked is er not me! Um, because um my account is not ANewHopeee. Um, it is boxxybabee with two E's. Um and I would have posted this video on there but I haven't gotten my account back yet. Anyways um, so, um, yeah, and um, er, so, and so that girl um that you hacked um she looks a little bit, well a lot like me, er, and er, but we're not the same person. And, er, so I thought that you should know that. Um, because er, also, I wouldn't um say er that word er to some one that who is homosex because that's no' nice. Um, and also I think that er it's not, um, me that you're thinking of because if we had had a class together I would've remembered you because I love your HAIR. [*gasp-squeals*]

And um, an- and yeah, and it's so- it's so pretty and it's So Long and, and I have been growing my hair out for two years and this is as far as it's gotten, and it's sad, as it's not very long, um but your hair is so long and it's just wuahhhhhhhh!

And, um, and so it must have taken forever for it to get that long and I really like it and so I think I would have remembered you because I really love your hair! Um also, um I really love your kitty! He's so kewt! And he drums, and his mao mao! And he's super cute and I would if I had him I would just, I would love him and cuddle him all day long! And um, you should too. Um you should be happy you have such a cute little kitty that's so wonderful. He's so cute. Um, and um, also, er, when it[?] made[?] your nails fell off um, bu- I, [*giggles*] I kinda giggled, er because that used to happen to me ALL THE TIME. Like I would be it and I would be writing or typing and it would just be like [*byuuuch* (explosion noise)] and I would just be like fuuuuuuuuu!

And so yeah. Um, um, but now I go to the manicure place, and um, and that doesn't happen any more because it's connected. Um, anyways, and um, and then, [*drums on table*] and then when you almost sneezed and you were in the just like oh my God, why d-, what, what did I, fo- th- ah, huhhhh, yeah. And and and but but I was like, oh my God, I feel for you. [*taps table twice*] I FEEL FOR YOU! Um, but you know what is worse than um having to sneeze and then, not, er, be is is when you you're like in a plane, and, um, and then you have um yo-your ears need to pop and so you try to make yourself yawn and you're just like ha, ah, ah, but but but then and then it gets almost there almo- ah, and but then but then it goes away. That's the worst.

But er, yeah! And um, so I think that you and me should be friends, um and just put all of this, this silly biz-ness behind us um and so because then I can be like *ha*! And then you can be like *wuah* and then and then it just could be, it just be SO WON-DER-FUL! And so yeah, um, so, I love you! And, um, I think that um, you should, YouTube me. Okay, bye! MMmmmmm!
Sent by Fredcrugar,Jul 3, 2011

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