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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Honestly just saw f3 in this stars

May 25, 2024 by Harehere
No1 didn’t convince me to vote for them in their speech or blog.
Like what is difference between that and “Vote for me I want to win this game “


It’s because none of the 3 actually did any game playing other than being a premade
Sent by FlashWoods,May 25, 2024
flashwoods sorry but I was the first nominated person for 16 and then another 2 for 15, so we all did great and did alliances, and yes at the end the f3 we are friends but I think we all did good.

It is not right that what we did is devalued, no one was given anything for free
Sent by Mario23,May 25, 2024
Vote for the person unnommed you fkin cunt
Sent by connorthomson,May 25, 2024
flashwoods 3 is not majority of 16 as first. So I wouldn’t say that mario23 and others been in pre-made. Also in my/ours don’t remember did you played that people been saying it pre-made of 6 there and they turn on each other so early and I been that one who been controling that 6 to stay together . So I don’t believe that craps if they joined together and all 3 made finals they played hell of game. I do have feeling they easly gave win to girl Rosalía I honestly don’t remember her username by these renominations. Also she is beatable in finals if other two have normal speech (no offense) but it’s same just like they all leave VOTE FOR ME I WANT TO WIN THIS GAME.

On other hand we have someone who made it unominated in finals and they put 2 sentence in blog and speech.

Just give public reason to vote for you and we will right now no1 isn’t doing that.
Sent by Harehere,May 25, 2024
connorthomson yea I want to do that but his blog and speech are just not it. I have feeling they sit back whole time and others left him in finals bcs he sat back. Nothing tottaly dead
Sent by Harehere,May 25, 2024
Did I convince u to my stars speech last week? 😋
Sent by systrix,May 25, 2024

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