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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Ok, I know I'm a total noob......

Jan 9, 2014 by Hannah_McKay
but i have some #stars questions.....
Obviously I've never played and i keep hearing terms that everyone seems to know....and I'm sitting here like "um yeah I'm totally lost". So could anyone answer these questions?
What is a "flavor"?
What is a "counter"?
What are ''split noms"?
How do nominations even work? From what i can tell it's kinda like fastings where everyone nominates 2 that right?

I'll just sit over here wearing my noob cone of shame, and in the meantime if y'all could answer my questions that would be great :)


flavor is when someone is repeatedly nominated. sometimes it draws them support.
counter is when your name is up for nomination. for example the first set of noms is A/B and the second set of noms is C/D if A/B goes up, you were a counter nom.
Split noms is if instead of A/B going up, A/C goes up.
Sent by Utsumi,Jan 9, 2014
Flavor is someone who is nommed more then 3 times! A counter is the people who are currently talked about for the next noms for the coming dc! Split noms are when 1 person from each alliance are nommed because people 'split the noms' and nommed one from each nom set!
Sent by M2thamax,Jan 9, 2014
flavour is someone that keeps survivng polls and sometimes they're created to get a huge popularity threat out. A nomset is basically one alliance's plan to nominate 2 people from the other alliance, but the other alliance also makes their own nomset to counter the original nomset. A split is when 1 person from each nomset is nominated. Its exactly like a fasting with no pov and the public gets the final say in evictions and the winner. Hope I helped :p
Sent by SomebodyAwesome,Jan 9, 2014
Thanks :) Utsumi M2thamax somebodyawesome
Sent by Hannah_McKay,Jan 9, 2014

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