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Fyffer's Bloggy Woggy Thing

Posts 63 posts

Piggy Bank's Need Love Too Mar 4, 2009
Points: 26 5 comments
Speaking Scots! Feb 27, 2009
Stolen from Daisy and Noel XD

How to Speak Scottish :))


Oi!!!! Am gonna wrap dis bottle roond ur face, mate!
(Excuse me, may i hit you violently in the face with this bottle?)

A Wudnae dae her wi a rusty pole!
(Shes not my type)

(...speaks for itself)


(A loud and obnoxious woman)

Ya Big Jessie!!
(You coward)


Am pure steamboated mate!
(I am extremely intoxicated)


Shes Up the Duff!
(Shes Pregnant)

Haud Yer Wheesht!
(Be Quiet Please)





Auld Yin
(Anyone over 40)

An Then Yer Arse Fell Aff!
(Told to someone who is lying)


And thats all i can mind off hand. Scots it up!! XD
Points: 74 15 comments
OH EM GEE!!!!! I just bought Blue! Feb 23, 2009
Thank you Game #8013!!!

woo im so excited! Next stop Stars XD
Points: 164 17 comments
You Gotta Love Them Misfits. Feb 16, 2009
<Flicks through 54T$ and Kisses Betting Slip>
Points: 64 9 comments
25 Things! Feb 12, 2009
Woo! First time in Top Blogs! Go me!

Well i hate to be a copycat and steal Jakes idea but everyone is doing it and i feel left out :DDD

1) My names Andrew but call me Fyffer lol to save confusion. Im 19 and from Bonnie Scotland.

2) Im currently an unemployed scrounger with no genuine life prospects. It is as depressing as it sounds lol.

3) I like to give inanimate objects that i like names. My Ipod is Titushko. My Laptop is Mama Mambo. My Phone is Alfie.

4) Im not gonna go into my 'baggage' but ill give u the jist - Broken Family with more secrets than the Walkers (Brothers and Sisters) and more disorders than you can shake a stick at, believe me i tried.

5) Im very aware of my biggest flaw. I have zero willpower. So i tend to do things and i know are wrong and regret it later lol. And theres a few biggies! lol.

6) My best mate in the world is hilarious. We are a bit strange, known as Brown-bear (him) and Vanilla-bear (me). And we are pretty sure its our destiny to rule the world in an evil Eastern Fascist Regime. With Norah Jones as the almighty goddess.

7) Im addicted to nights out :D i love to go out get Steamboated and dance all night. I dance like a stripper apparently.

8) Im more Neurotic than 99.8% of the people on Facebook! Score!

9) Im OCD in human form. off the top of my head. . . i wont use urinals it isnt clean unless you flush urself. Pens must have lids on at all times when not in use or i stab you with it. I dont care if the house is burning down, if my hair aint done i aint fucking leaving. Everything i eat has to be eaten in equal measure, you eat the rice until there is equal rice and curry, then you eat back and forth to keep it equal. When im wearing shoes you MUST NOT be able to see my socks - it is forbidden.

10) I have never had a serious GF. Ive not been alone for my entire teenage life or anything i just dont seem to do well longterm. Its okay tho, i have my fun. :D

11) Im a proper Football Hooligan! lol, well not the nasty kind. I dont attack police with bottles, thats just needless violence. But i enjoy a good bit of banter, :D

12) Everyone in RL thinks im gay, Everyone on Tengaged seems to think im a woman! lol but thats fine, ill get over it. eventually.

13) A few things i hate are Cotton Wool, Slobbering animals, hearing people eat (its actually painful)

14) A few things i love are tidying/organising, cold chinese food, writing stories :D

15) I have two brothers and a sister, im the youngest. They are all great, which is really weird.

16) Im like 5'9'' and weigh like 8 and a half stone so im a bit of a wee runt lol but i dont look too skinny, im sort of evenly weighed out.

17) When i was a kid i used to have like almost neon Ginger hair! lol but when i got older it got alot darker, its now like brown with a tinge of red in it, which i like. everyone always wants my hair colour lol.

18) I have a pretty warped way of thinking cos if i dont like someone i shun them but if someone doesnt like me i go like manic depressive but then i always think the people that do like me actually dont like me so i get depressed anyway, which is never fun.

19) I have two cats, Felix (Big, chubby, lazy acts like a baby which is quite cute) and Sootie (Big, smart, hunts like mad  but does whatever i say lol im boss)

20) I love like proper Classic novels, Great Expectations, Pride and Prejudice, Mansfield Park. (Cant WAIT to read 'Pride and Prejudice and Zombies' Released May 2009!)

21) I LOVE The Rocky Horror Picture Show! Tim Curry is a GOD! i went to see it in glasgow in the theatre, got all dressed up in fishnets etc lol was the best night ever!!!

22) I luv Disco and 80's Music! Le Chic, Blondie, Erasure. Funkytown, Lovetrain, Rasputin. Its all amazing!!!

23) I want to own my own pack of wolves one day, ill keep them in my ten acre garden.

24) My username comes from my nickname Fyffer or Fyffy and the 6757 comes from the letters on the phone meaning MSKS which are my neice and nephews initials.

25) I SEE YOU BABY! SHAKING DAT ASS! ohno wait, thats me in the mirror. ;) Fyffer is out.
Points: 144 24 comments
Tengaged Writers Challenge Feb 11, 2009
I will be picking the contestants for my group game tonight :))

Plz apply if your interested.
Points: 0 2 comments