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I want to loose wieght,, please help?

Jun 25, 2009 by Embellish
Ok well I'm a bit over wieght and I want to lose it what is the best and / or quickest way so do it, and I try and go for jogs in the late after noon but I don't get motivated enough , please give your opinions and help thanks .


You're not overweight :( 

Just cut out things like fizzy drinks/ crisps/ chocolate... and that sort of stuff... you're fine already though :(
Sent by RiDsTeR,Jun 25, 2009
+'d btw
Sent by RiDsTeR,Jun 25, 2009
I honestly don't know whether you actually are overweight or not, but if you are, you probably need to make weight aims to motivate yourself a bit (probably something right at the top end of your BMI) then work down gradually until you reach your target weight, simple things like cutting out fat and unnecessary carbs and eating more metabolism raising foods (green tea helps).
I lost dropped from a size 12 to just under a 6 (UK) for a while in completely the wrong way, by basically getting wasted every day and living off Kit Kat chunkies and Malborough reds (which by the way, COMPLETELY ruined my liver) and I didn't maintain that lifestyle which means that a little while later I'm a size 8/10 and struggling to maintain that weight alone.
Yeah so consult a doctor innit xD
Sent by nickynickynicky,Jun 25, 2009
Just eat less sugar and saturated fats and be more active.. eat loads and loads of healthy foods, salads, veg, lean chicken, fish, grains.. i.e. cereal (unsugared, bread).. no sugary drinks.
Sent by EssexGirl,Jun 25, 2009

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