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The EclipseSabre's blog

Posts 11 posts

Day 6 of my first Casting game, my lucks running out Aug 14, 2009
This morning was our 4th eviction, but seeing as it was at 5AM myy time I wasn't on for it. I forget who left now. About 2 hours ago we just had our 5th eviction, and the results came with good and bad news. Good news is that Prepre (presea) is safe, and thats great! Bad news is that momo was algo'd out of nowhere even though she wasn't on the block and...

After 5 days of safety, my luck runs out, and I'm on the block. I was hoping I would't wind up in this situation for a few days yet, but whatever. I'm just happy I've made it as far as I have. Top 10 was what I was shooting for, and at very worst I'll be in 10th place. However, according to Toftof, Dandan and Prepre (<3), I should be okay. Still, like Lydia from BB11 has said on numerous occasions, being on the block really sucks even if theres a good chance you'll stay.
Points: 7 1 comments
I'm psychic Aug 13, 2009
I hope you can see the sarcasm in that title. Tonight on BB went exactly how I figured it would: Jeff putting up Jessie and Natalie, and Jessie going home. Personally I'm sad to see Jessie go home for the 2nd time, but at least he made it into the jury house this time. I can't imagine how much that would suck to actually get a 2nd chance on BB, just to loose again. Anyway, I have to agree with Jessie in that Jeff made a really really good move for him tonight. Breaking apart that alliance will really benefit him in the long run. At this point I think Jeff is the most likely to win BB11.

I'm not happy to see Michele win HoH. I was really hoping Kevin was going to win (I think he deserves it), but to have Michele, one of the people I like least in that house to win instead? Not good. I'm curious as to who she's going after this week. Guess I'll find out Sunday...
Points: 19 2 comments
Third eviction, dodged the nom once again Aug 13, 2009
As the title says, I just had my third eviction in my first Casting game, and once again I'm not on the block. Davidmarco and butterr left, Danslink (Dandan :3) survived...again. xD momof2brats is up again, along with Mangats, one my closest friends in the house so far, which really sucks. Also on the block is Deano, but I don't know him yet so whatever. I'm going to do my best to stay active in the game so that I don't get nomed. =)
Points: 0 1 comments
Second eviction done, and still going strong! Aug 13, 2009
My casting's second eviction finished about an hour ago, and once again the eviction worked like I wanted it to. The person who I wanted to stay stayed, and the people who I didn't ever hear from left. Again I managed to stay off the block, hopefully I'll be able to keep this up throughout the game! =) Unfortunately, however, the nom I tried to save in the first eviction is up once again, and I noticed he hasn't really been on since the first day. If he doesn't show up, and the other noms do, I might have to wind up voting him out. >_< Anyway, I figure I'll end this here, I'll post again after tonight's eviction. Until then...

PS: BB 11 tonight, pretty excited to find out how Jeff will use the Coup d'Etat! (or if he even does, hehe)
Points: 7 2 comments
First Casting game, day 1 just finished! :3 Aug 12, 2009
So yeah, I'm new to Tengaged, hey everyone! Joined my first Casting game, and the first day just ended. The eviction went along perfectly with my votes, which is pretty sweet. I'm not on the block today either, so that's also good news! Just starting to get to know the other HouseGuests, so I don't have much to talk about ATM, but whatever. I'll have another blog post after the next eviction. Until then, pce!
Points: 1 1 comments