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The EM002's blog

Posts 492 posts

Ryan_Jambe Sep 5, 2013
Predictions for Double Eviction:

For the first eviction Amanda will be evicted 3-2.
For the 2nd part it gets more complicated.

If Elissa wins HOH you will see McCrae and Andy on the block or maybe McCrae or Spencer or Andy and Spencer?

If McCrae wins POV and he is nommed Elissa will probably nominate Spencer as a re nom and If Spencer is already a nom she will renom Andy.
If McCrae wins POV and he is NOT nommed he will leave noms the same.

If the finals noms are McCrae and Spencer or McCrae and Andy, I expect McCrae to go 100%
If final noms are Spencer and Andy I expect Andy to go.

So let's keep saying Elissa wins HOH but Judd or GM wins POV.

I think Judd and GM will leave noms the same if he/she isn't nommed. If Judd or GM are  nommed I expect either Andy, Spencer or McCrae to be the replacement.
The eviction scenario should be the same if any of those are the final noms. 

If McCrae wins HOH I would expect him to put up GM and Elissa or
If Elissa wins POV she will take herself off and McCrae will name Andy as a replacement.

GM would either be evicted 2-1 (Only Elissa saving her) or she would be saved 2-1 (Only Spencer NOT saving her) This eviction possibility will come down to Judd.
However, if GM wins POV she will taker herself off and Andy would be the renom.
Elissa would be evicted 3-0

If Judd or Spencer or Andy win POV, they won't use it and Elissa would be evicted 3-0

If Spencer wins HOH (Which I HIGHLY doubt) he would nom Elissa and McCrae.

If Elissa wins POV Spencer would renom GM and McCare would be evicted 3-0
If McCrae wins POV Spencer will renom GM and Elissa would be evicted 3-0
If Judd or Andy win POV they will not use it and Elissa would be evicted 2-1 (GM saving her) or

If Judd wins HOH Elissa and McCrae would go up.

If McCrae or Elissa win POV Spencer would probably go up as a re nom.
McCrae or Elissa (whichever doesn't win POV) will be evicted.
AGAIN if Spencer, Andy or GM or Judd win POV they will not use it and Elissa would go home.

If Andy wins HOH who again (I HIGHLY doubt) he would nom McCrae and Elissa 

Same exact scenario as Spencer's or Judd's

If a nom comes off the block Andy would either nom Spencer (Like Judd) or GM (Like Spencer)

So overall you may see either Andy, McCrae or Elissa walking out the door.

GM, Spencer and Judd have nothing to worry about.

There is a 10% chance Andy would be leaving. 
There is a 30% chance McCrae would leave.
There is a 60% chance of Elissa leaving.

Let's just hope Andy get's evicted!

Points: 7 8 comments
No title Sep 3, 2013
Points: 11 1 comments
Nooo!!!! Aug 31, 2013
MaCrae won :(
Points: 0 2 comments
No title Aug 31, 2013
The boy you negged in fastings today. Committed suicide in survivor few minutes ago. That girl you called a key-whore in castings today. She doesn't have a key. The boy you called a troll. He has to get attention on tengaged to feel wanted. That girl you insulted on the blog pages. Shes already being abused in her frat. That girl you called $t-poor. Shes buying $T. The old user you made fun of cause of the red nose he has. He fought in the Biodork Hacking War. The boy you made fun of for throwing the survivor comp. His tengaged bff just got perm banned.. You think you know them. Guess what? You dont! Re-post if you are against Tengaged bullying. I bet 99% of you wont, but repost if you're that 1% with a heart.
Points: 0 1 comments
OMG!! Jul 31, 2013
Can people ever be smart and not make stupid moves??

Ugh that's really annoying! They lose an ally and a friend because of some stupid lies!
Points: 0 2 comments
The Greek Life Motto Jul 24, 2013


My motto is "Practice makes perfect"

It will be a hard battle getting into TEN and it won't be easy. But if you practice and always try your best you will suceed. So practice and it will make you a perfect member of TEN :)


(There are more names that will be mentioned later)
Points: 37 1 comments