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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

I have something to say.

Jun 3, 2015 by DillyDally
When I was born I was born with Mild Cerebral Palsy.If you don't know what that is it's a neurological disorder that effects speech, movement, and muscles. It effects my right leg in the mucsles. I know people will probably say "he's trying to get publicity" or "he's lying" I really do have Mild Cerebral Palsy and I don't care about publicity. I guess I'm trying to say people on Tengaged talk about Physically and Mentally Disabled People. And JUST STOP!

#CerebralPalsy.    #StopIt.       #Disabled4Life.      #StopBullying

(I'm not in a wheelchair or my life is ending because of this like severe cases)


< 3
Sent by Thumper91,Jun 3, 2015
Sent by jojo7784,Jun 3, 2015
Awww :( I'm sorry
Sent by WannaBeeFriends,Jun 3, 2015
That's so cool that you shared that!
Sent by etaco75,Jun 3, 2015
omg if people would say mean things I would cuss them out. Because I stand up for my friends and im so sorry about that I have total respect for you. And don't worry people are jerks all the time, but karma will hit them and they will suffer. #broforlife
Sent by camell22,Jun 3, 2015
To have #CerebralPalsy on one of the top trending # is Awesome!
Sent by DillyDally,Jun 3, 2015
I have a syndrome too. It's not as bad as Mild Cerebral Palsy but it can get me frustrated sometimes.
Sent by purplecow,Jun 6, 2015

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