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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

BB21 updates.

14thJun 27, 2019 by DaddyDev
The majority alliance is Jackson/Holly/Bella/Jack/Christie/Tommy/Sam/Nick/Sis with Jackson/Holly/Bella running it. Then those 9 people are like split into 3 groups of 3. Jackson/Bella/Holly are a tight three.
Jack/Christie/Tommy are a tight three. (Jack has a huge crush on Christie)
Sam/Nick/Sis. (Nick is close with Sis AND Sam.)

Jackson told Holly if he got a power week 3 he would take a shot at Christie then took it back and said he also doesnt want Jack to go and Holly told him "They are running the house though"

Kemi is the target this week. Bella, Sam and Nick were laughing about how "she won't be in the house next week." Jackson wants to veto Kathryn and backdoor Kemi but we haven't heard confirmation from Christie (but almost everyone else???) Bella and Tommy made a final 2 alliance. Kathryn won't leave anyone alone. She is paranoid and told Jackson that Holly AND Jessica said they didn't know how to feel about Jackson.

Sis, Holly and Bella are planning on moving in near Jackson and Jackson told Holly " you seem to have your life together the most outta you 3 so i just dont want you to back out"

Holly was telling Jackson how Ovi never washes his hands after going to the bathroom and one time tried to grab a cucumber out of his hand and she told him to wash his hands.
Holly said Jessica claims to "just want jury."
Kathryn made Jackson PROMISE he wouldnt pick Bella over her.

No one really likes Ovi. No one talks to Nicole.

Unless the big alliance of 9 thats in groups of 3 basically start turning on each other the pre-jury is likely to be Nicole, Cliff, Jessica, Ovi, and Kathryn.

Nick made a comment about wondering if David was watching the feeds and Cliff said "Aw, we love you, David. you're apart of the family." and Sam said ""who's David?" errr.

"Maybe we get out Kemi, Ovi and then Kat. Then we start talking about making moves." - Sam

"I'd rather Jess go than Kat. I don't think Kat will ever win anything." - Nick

Jack says he has Jackson eating out of the palm of his hands.

Ovi was touching sis when she had a belly shirt on and felt weird ig and told Sam?? or something and people want him gone. Later, Nick said he went into security mode when they were playing "human knot" and probably made the knot worse but he had to get sis away from Ovi even tho it wasnt "his fault" that they were touching.

Sam, Jack, and Nick are getting closer and don't trust Jackson that much??

Literally a room full of like 10 people just dragged Ovi on being a weirdo and doing something to food before eating it. Literally no one likes him. Sis said "He is sweet!" though.

Jack, Nick, Holly, Sis, Christie are a 5 that Kemi told Bella about but little does she know Bella is with them ... yikes. She wants to make an alliance with the 3 not in the 5 of the 8 (Im assuming Jackson, Sam and Tommy??) + the girls alliance. basically Kemi is talking shit to Bella about her alliance. LMAOOO
Sis and Nick def have chemistry so yuh thats all i've got so far.
you're welcome.


did they do veto yet?
Sent by C_Shizz96,Jun 27, 2019
Sent by titoburitto,Jun 27, 2019
This will all change lmao
It’s the first week
Sent by Matthew09,Jun 27, 2019
who the fuck is sis
Sent by RoseMaria,Jun 27, 2019
Whos sis?
Sent by 1001games,Jun 27, 2019

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