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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Lack of an endgame

Oct 24, 2009 by CrazyOne
Just a theory-rant.

I haven't played that much here, but I see how the games work and I can have my thoughts about the formats of them.

I've noticed that games on Tengaged seem to lack a traditional "endgame" phase that's present in TV Shows like Survivor and Big Brother.

Stars is the exception, here; that goes to the Final Three, which is as far as it could possibly go.

Survivor here has a nice gimmick of never actually ending. So "winning" in Survivor is pretty much just making the merge, and then you get another free game. But the thing is, each merge can't be considered a new game, because alliances from the old tribes still exist. So you never really get to "outlast" all the other players.

Casting doesn't go as far as it could; it stops as soon as there are 4 remaining. It could keep going, having 2/4 nominated, and then 2/3 nominated to make a Final Two, and then the Final Two face off in a challenge. The main problem with this, though, is that it enables inactives to get higher than 4th place; and Casting has a sort of problem with inactives already. The inactives that aren't eliminated in the early rounds generally last way too long, and I could see someone keeping an inactive all the way through in order to face up against them in the Final Two. IMO, what needs to happen is some sort of algorithm that will automatically rid out completely inactive people (like 2+ days)

In Rookies, the lack of an endgame is probably most noticeable, since, like Casting, it also only goes to a Final 4, but in Rookies, it only starts with 10. I believe that this encourages premades, because a premade alliance of 5 people will only have to vote off one of their own in order to have them all make the finals (and chances are, they'll lose one person anyway due to an opposing alliance winning HoH), and that is rather disappointing. I'd like it if Rookies went down to a Final Two... it would just work like Big Brother where the PoV winner chooses 4th place and the Final HoH chooses 3rd place.

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