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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Casting 9401: Final Day

Aug 16, 2009 by Colyo
imageAnd it all comes down to this, ladies and gentlemen, I have made it in the final four as well as Tara, Steve and Dustin.

The outcome of this afternoons evictions was not as predicted at all. Tara, Steve and Jef had been nominated. Of course the alliance put their threes into making sure Jef had walked out the door, but we all had to worry about what was going to happen to either Steve or Tara, and that the unthinkable 5th place was ready to happen to either of them. Frankly with only our alliance left, any outcome here couldn't have been favourable.

Then we were all shocked to see King get algoed rather than Tara OR Steve, which was completely unexpected as he hadn't even been nominated. Congrats on 5th place, King, and remember we had nothing to do with your removal! Blame the accursed algo my friend D;

As this game draws to a close I would like to spend a few hundred words talking about all of the evictees up till this point followed by my thoughts on my team mates....

20th place: Clampgotyou
This guy was a dick, all I saw of him was threatening people and pretty much everyone voted him off. Good riddance.

19th place: Adzz
Algo got him, never saw him.

18th place: MissChelseaFc
The first victim of our blooming alliance. This unfortunate piece of work picked a fight with the wrong girl in this house and paid the price, but not before negging most of the people in the house. Also good riddance.

17th place: koolmanc
He never came on. Algo got him.

16th place: BB11 Fan
He was a cool guy, but never really talked much. As a result he was used as a soak for our 3's. Good luck on your future games.

15th place: Brett
Never talked, algoed for inactivity.

14th place: jeffypop
A nice guy, but a serious threat with his massive 400 karma that we decided to mow down before it was too late. I recently learned that he had infact quit Tengaged alltogether which is really a shame! Good luck in your future endeavors and have a nice life!

13th Place: seanywhite
He was around quite a bit early on, fun to talk to and a nice enough guy. Unfortunately for him he was on the block the same time as Tara.... Yeah, he had to go in her stead. Good luck on future games, Sean.

12th Place: Crazyj11
Good lord when I discovered this guy was in the most recent stars game we pretty much all agreed he had to go. Good enough guy, another nice person to have around the house, but was pretty inactive and we didn't see much else of him. If he suddenly decided to come back though and we were caught unawares by such a professional from behind... Yeesh. Good luck Crazy.

11th Place: Dominatrix
LOLOLOLOL She only really came around one per voting period to say "OMG IM STILL ALIVE?!?!" then would promptly vanish again. Cool person from what very little I saw, but it was only a matter of time before the algo pulled the plug on her hijinks.

10th place: JeffW
The single most dangerous threat to our alliance, Jeff sought to stirr up rebellion against the freshly nominated Tara, but he sent a message to the wrong person (Steve or Dustin, can't remember) explaining himself and the word got out to us. He was promptly eliminated. Good game Jeff, you really had us going there! Your leave marked the final domination of the house for us xP congrats on top half of the house, and best of luck in all of your future games.

9th Place: PT2506
When we were worried that Tara was going to be algoed, were we ever surprised when the mostly-active and kind Paul was instead swept off the court. Can't really say much about him as we didn't talk much, but he was a nice enough guy from what I knew ;P Good luck on all future endeavors and nice meeting you!

8th Place: EvelJake
Hurr hurr, we danced around this guy the whole game. I'm not sure what his plan was, but he basically tried digging up who was allied with Tara and then yelled out to everyone that me, tara, dustin and king were allied. Unfortunately for him, King was more trustworthy than his expert fake attempt to backdoor Tara had led Jake to believe, and we also had Steve on our side. Think before you attack the power house so brashly, next time!

7th Place: ZooYork1
Really cool guy, but on the same boat as Paul in that he didn't really do much xP When he was algo'd none of us were really suprised. He was the unfortunate 2nd eviction to go with our merciless assault of Jake. Congrats for making it that far on your own, pal, and good luck in future games.

6th Place: EvilJef
Ahh, good old Jef. It was his idea to plus both him and Tara to save them both and make sure that JeffW was deeper in the hole to ensure his nomination, and we treated Evil as a "mini ally" until end game because of it. He probably knew about our alliance earlier, but instead of loudly trying to kill us off like Jake did, he got on our good side and piggy backed to the best possible non-alliance position. Great having you around Jef, congrats on the best place amongst non-alliance members, and best of luck on future games.

5h Place: kingofpimp

WOW. When Steve and Tara were nominated as the first two victims of our alliance, were we ever shocked to see King go out instead! This goes to show that you can't trust the algorithm to be predictable. I have to thank king for helping me get so far, as he was my original ally before we merged with Tara and Dustin. I will admit that it was my plan to get him to the top 3 or top 2 with me as he was my original ally. However in the end, it was a decision that was not in my hands: the algo decided it was time for him to leave. Good luck in all future games, lets keep in touch man!


My god Tara, you have clawed your way through thick and thin to this point and it appears you honestly gave up because you haven't been online for 7 hours D; but guess what beautiful, you made it to the top 4. Congratulations! Tara was definately playing the most dangerous part of our alliance, unwillingly becoming bait for our alliances enemies to reveal themselves: Jeff, Chelsea and Jake in particular. She has been great, and has posted very sexy pictures, and over all has been the highlight of my game. Tara, best of luck for the final vote. <3

DAMNIT STEVE! His punnery was inexcuseable but it was the price to pay for such an incredible ally. I considered him a threat until that faithful hour Dustin contacted me telling me that he had joined our little army making it a solid 5; how wrong I was, because he proved to be a real hero. The biggest thing he brought to the team was the fact he was never detected, and everyone that theorized about our alliance never suspected him, and made our enemies doom that much more solidified when he jumped out of the shadows like a fucking ninja and owned shit. Good luck on the final algo-fest, Steve, it's been great!!!

If there was any leader to our alliance, it was Dustin. He brought mine and his groups together and introduced us to the powerhouse in Steve. Before I ever tried to make any tactical move I put it across his desk first, he had been my mentor for the entire game and is one of the biggest reasons I made it this far. If anyone deserves this victory; it is me pal Dustin. Best of luck mate!!!

When I first wandered into the doors of house 9401, I was overwhelmed with questions. What to do first? Am I going to be evicted right away? If I make friends, will they trust me? Can I trust them? How does this algorithm shit work? I was taken in right away by King, and felt a bit safe; but it seemed like victory was already solidified when Dustin came to me offering a 4 man alliance. The gorgeous Tara stole my heart from the beginning and I really spent most of the time wandering around in her wake, which proved to be as advantageous as enjoyable because she lured out all of our greatest threats! Then Steve came into play and completed my first Casting experience: Us five KICK ASS, and now here I am with a very good chance of taking the entire thing, following my good friend Steve's footsteps into a first game victory. Will it happen? Fuck if I know, stupid fucking algo.




Cole <3
you should win dude no lie :D
Sent by DustinB,Aug 16, 2009
hey man after this game me you and tara, miami, and dustin should all og back at the different game man
Sent by thekingofpimp,Aug 16, 2009
Aww Colyo!!! You have a way with words! Good on ya mate. Cheers and best of luck to us all. Either way, this has been a fantastic game and i hope to have us all in another game soon...
Sent by Miami_0001,Aug 16, 2009
lol that shits deep, if only i could take anything this seriously..then i wouldnt be me fuck it =P

GL to all of you guys but especially cole since i knwo him irl lmao
Sent by JonnyBoy,Aug 16, 2009
GL Cole, best of luck!
Sent by EclipseSabre,Aug 17, 2009

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