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The ChickenThrower's blog

Posts 36 posts

Husky18 Mar 29, 2016
imageHusky is just like she sounds, A DOG! She's probably less intelligent than a dog, though. She will make last minute alliances and float her way to finals. She is THE floater to look out for. She can take her defult pigtail ass away from the ACTUAL game players of Tengaged and go play My Little Pony with her imaginary friends!

XOXO ChickenThrower 

Points: 0 14 comments
Flirt Feb 22, 2016
imageUp next is Flirt... If you want a horny skank on your team Flirt is the one for you. She acts like a disgusting tramp on every game, and backstabs you in the process. Flirt will turn on you the second she gets an invitation for another alliance. She is no stranger to posting your private messages on the public chat, so be careful with the information you choose to give her. Maybe Flirt should change her name to something that suits her, how about Slut??... XOXO ChickenThrower
Points: 0 2 comments
Luis_ Feb 21, 2016
imageUp next is Luis_... If you were to look up the definition of hopper a picture of Luis would definitely pop up. Bullying is his forte. Luis is known for turning on his alliance members, I'm glad I was able to figure it out sooner rather than later (find the game on my profile, it got pretty nasty in there so I apologize in advance). Just know Luis is infamous for hiding in his shell, no wonder he wears a turtle neck... XOXO ChickenThrower
Points: 0 3 comments
LaceyDogg Feb 20, 2016
imageIt seems LaceyDogg is next... Now this is a person that has more than just two faces... She has multiple. No I don't mean multi, but she might as well should be. The girl changes her avatar because she thinks everybody will think she's a different player. Sorry sweetie but your time of trying to be Mystique is over. It's time to show us your real face. So tell me friends, is LaceyDogg a female...or is she a female dog? Her name says it all... XOXO ChickenThrower

P.S. Don't get used to avatar in the picture, it might change over time.
Points: 0 3 comments
s4ssywbu Feb 20, 2016
imageLet's start off with s4ssywbu... If you need a lying, backstabbing player to add to your friends list, then s4ssy is the perfect person for you. She will call you a multi to hide her own multi identity (trust me I've experienced it firsthand and it can get pretty ugly). S4ssy may think she's the queen, but she will always be the pauper... XOXO ChickenThrower
Points: 0 3 comments
XOXO ChickenThrower Is Here!!! Feb 20, 2016
This blog will be about all of the people that I play with in future games and all of the people that feel the need to backstab. If anyone needs to know something about someone in their game or in their alliances, then this is the place to be! So I'll be seeing you... XOXO ChickenThrower
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