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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Survivor One World 2 (Spoilers)

Feb 23, 2012 by Chee5e55ave5
*Sigh* It feels good to blog about this season. This episode wasn't as fantastic as the first but it was still a good episode and the next one looks promising as it may reignite the men vs women conflict. Let's look at some of the highlights.

The Women - This episode was pretty much about the women. They are falling to pieces. They are divided. They are fighting. They are going to get weaker. They don't really have much going for them and it's really unfortunate. We have a tribe of independent women that are looking out for themselves and while it may provide decent television for us, it's horrible for each of them in the game. The vote was a prime example - Kat was the weakest link in their tribe and Nina hadn't screwed anything up but Kat was kept just because she was in the majority alliance and the majority didn't want to lose their numbers. Hate to break it to them but those numbers aren't going to do them any good if they're still going up against a full tribe of men.

Colton - Once again, Colton started out by pulling the victim card, whining and complaining and moaning. He hasn't even tried to bond with his tribe and now the girls are getting sick of him too. Just when I finally decided I've had enough of this guy, we see him beginning to plot to get out the strong men. He finally starts doing what a self-proclaimed superfan should ACTUALLY be doing and that's forming a solid alliance and making potential power plays. Better late than never, I guess. Now if only he would set his ego aside, stop whining every time we see him, and screw his head on straight, he might actually become rootable.

Kat - I have nothing against Kat but yeah, she seems like a stereotypical broad. I knew it as soon as the episode started when the bug interrupted her confessional. Not to mention her epic fail in the challenge. If I were in the game, I would've tried to get her voted off. She may have an entertaining moment here and there but she's not doing much for the tribe and will help drive it to the ground if not taken care of quickly.

Why Nina? - A relatively predictable boot for this episode and it's a real shame because I really enjoyed Nina this episode. I feel we lost another character with great potential. While I'm on that matter, even if it had to be a vote to keep the majority, why wasn't the vote directed towards Christine, the woman allegedly destined to be the first one voted off? Christine helped blow the challenge too with her constantly touching two people. How did she get out of this unscathed? I know Alicia and Christine talked at the beginning but I thought Alicia indicated it wasn't genuine. There's something that the editors conveniently left out or that I missed because that still befuddles me.

Other Good Things - It looks like this season is getting its stride on some elements that it was desperately needing. The editing seems to be maintaining a decent balance. Characters that seemed like they would be screen hogs (Matt, Alicia) got relatively cooled down. We need a break from Colton too but we probably won't get it. Also happy with the dynamics and I really feel the season benefits from not having Redemption Island or veterans. I'll be disappointed if there's a tribal switch AND they go to different beaches. All this buildup for nothing...

Well, it was another good episode for me. Here's to a great episode three! What do you guys think?


to much 2 read lol +10 doh :D
Sent by AxKxAxBatman,Feb 23, 2012
lol sorry bout that, i like to ramble about survivor
Sent by Chee5e55ave5,Feb 23, 2012

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