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The Casey333's blog

Posts 25 posts

I WON!!! Jun 24, 2009
I cant beleive it! It was my first game and I actually won it! I relaly dont know what to say. I already enrolled in a new casting game so after that if I get anymore $T, Ill buy a Yellow Level.
I cant wait to start this other game! Theirs no one in there I know so I hope that doesnt hurt me. =(
Points: 23 2 comments
Oh...My...God... Jun 24, 2009
This has been one of the craziest nights of my life!

Ok...Me and my brothers and cousin and afew friends decided to go see Transformers 2. We got to the theater about an hour away and it was PACKED! They were even sold out of shows for the morning and this is a 9 roomed, showing it in 8 theaters.
So we had to think of something quick and it was about 11:45. 15 minute before the midnight showing. So we had to go to a theater out of state. We called our mom to ask for showtimes in a theater about an hour away and they had showings at 12, 12:15, 12:30, 12:45, and 1:00. We had to take a toll road to get there and we would be getting there at just about 1. So we decided to chance it.

We got there...And we made it with 3 minutes before it starts. That gave us just enough time to buy snacks.
I went into that theater at 1:00am and I didnt get out until 3:45!

So Im sitting here looking outside as the sun rises and 5:15am waiting for the results of the casting game im up for elimination in. This has byfar been the craziest and most nervewracking nights of my life!

Tranformers was...EPIC.
Points: 59 4 comments
Tsunami Vote! Jun 23, 2009
Hey peeps! If youve noticed, Im in an Endurance game and the tsunami is up for grabs! But its bad so please dont vote for me!
Just vote for any team except Purple!
Points: 21 2 comments
Day 6/9 Jun 22, 2009
Its Day 6 in the game and Im a lock for the Final 8. its pretty ironic that all the usernames starting with the letter D are up for eviction. lol
I get really nervous as each round goes by because I dont know if I have enough points to stay even though Im active and talk alot. It gets my heart racing. But for now I can relax because Im safe for this round but once its down to 8, then the real game begins.
Points: 27 2 comments
Its kind of dissappointing...You dont even have fangs! Jun 21, 2009
I had already watched the first half of it online awhile back but it was even funnier when I saw it in thaters! The most random part about it is that its making fun of Dancing Movies but they made fun of Twilight! XD

Anyway, Other then that, Ive been checking in and Im really happy to see that Im surviving the eliminations in the Casting game Im playing in. It wont be much longer before we get down to the Final 4 and someone wins. I hope its me though. I would be pretty happy to have won my first game and it also being my first actual Tengaged game. =D
Points: 33 3 comments
Shoop Da Whoop! Jun 20, 2009
Ive been here for 2 days and Im having a blast! Im in a Casting game and Ive survived the first 2 "days". And I played in a quickgame and got 2nd place!
I cant wait to get more T$ and Karma so I can buy the Yellow level and I can get into Rookie games!
Points: 19 1 comments