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The C2MK's blog

Posts 64 posts

Quick Games!!! Jan 13, 2011

Please Join and Sign up!!
Points: 1 3 comments
BEST SONG EVER!!! Jan 12, 2011
Points: 12 1 comments
Sooooooooo not cool Dec 31, 2010
I had a blog a few weeks ago asking to have the blog plussed to 100 points to prove to someone that it could be done with the help of nice people.

They said try it and told me I couldnt get it done. As the blog got almost to the 100 mark they sent friends to neg it.

I called that unfair and now I am posting again to try to get this over 100 points.

Please plus it and dont neg it so that I can prove there are nice people on here and win this bet fair and square.

Points: 18 2 comments
So I was told... Dec 13, 2010
That I cannot get this blog over 100 points.

Can we get it there? It would be awesome to prove a couple people wrong. You know who you are ;)
Points: 51 8 comments
200 Karma! Dec 10, 2010
yay :P lol
Please plus I need the T now Lmao
Points: 25 2 comments
Rookies Game - WOW from no chance to the top Dec 10, 2010

So I entered this game thinking I would be easily picked off because there were a lot of big named people playing in this.

There was also pre-made alliances in this game. I am not a fan pre-made alliances so it made me feel like I definetly did not stand a chance in this game.

I won first HOH, and then made proper alliances to get me through this game. I won a POV which saved me from the block and when nominted 3/4 times I had the votes to keep me.

I had gone from thinking I had no chance to being in the final 2, and then winning my first rookies game!

This was a great game, and the people made it extremely fun. Through the drama and good times I walked away with some friends.

This was personally one of the best rookies I have played, not just because of the fact that I won, but because of the people who made it great!
Points: 20 2 comments