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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Big Brother 15: Least Favorite to Favorite

Aug 17, 2013 by Bwcoleman222
16- Jeremy McGuire~ I HATED Jeremy! He was way to bossy and full of himself. He was willing to make big moves, but was too controlling and rubbed people (including me) the wrong way. I am so happy he went out early, although he might of made this season more interesting if he stayed in. Anyways, he did have a small change of heart at the end of his run and I do give him a little respect for that. Either way, he will still be my least favorite this season.

15- David Girton~ I didn't like David since the minute I saw the premiere. Like Jeremy, he is too full of himself and didn't really do anything the time he was in the BB house. Aaryn totally fell for him and I believe it screwed with her game in the beginning because it showed immaturity and made her slightly controlling as well. David didn't deserve to go far and is ultimately why he is at #15.

14- Jessie Kowalski~ Look in the dictionary for the word "floater" and you will see a picture of her (next to Lawon from season 13). She did absolutely nothing while she was in the house. She never won HOH and only won a veto because Judd literally GAVE it to her. She had no allies and played a horrible game. She is only higher than David and Jeremy is because she was so funny by blowing up everyone elses' games before she left. I wonder if she will enter the house again, but chances are she won't.

13- GinaMarie Zimmerman~ Okay, she is totally racist and mean. I hate her loud and obnoxious attitude and how she always wants to fight with other houseguests. I hope she leaves the house soon and sees how her attitude rubs people the wrong way. What she said to Candice was unacceptable and I hope she gets more backlash for it.

12- Candice Stewart~ Let me just start by saying that I HATE how she always says "boo" and "candiland"! It is SO annoying! What was said to her was not acceptable, but that doesn't make her a great person either. She couldn't just go out gracefully, she decides to pick a fight with GinaMarie when she PLEADS HER CASE! Like what the heck is that?! Anyways, she annoyed me a lot but ultimately is a kind person deep down and means well.

11- Elissa Slater~ Okay, this is the first houseguest that I actually like a little. The only reason she is this low on the list is because she hasn't won anything except a veto and MVP. She is a floater and hasn't really done anything in the house in terms of big moves. I hope she will start being a bigger player in the game and maybe she will move higher in the list. For now though, she will remain at 11th.

10- Spencer Clawson~ Another big floater in the game who hasn't made any big moves in the game. He is one of the only people left to still not win an HOH and should just be evicted already. He hasn't rubbed me the wrong way at all and that is ultimately why he is higher on the list than the others previously mentioned.

9- Aaryn Gries~ Whether you like her or not, you have to admit she is a beast at competitions! She already won 4 out of the 6 HOH's she competed in. She has made bigger moves than others in the house and is ultimately why she has stuck around. I am not a fan of the racist comments she has made and I hate how mean she can be. But, she is a power player who I like more than some of the people still in the house. I hope she will eventually turn on GinaMarie and get her out of the house.

8- Kaitlin Barnaby~ I have to admit, I liked her a lot at first. As the competition went on though she just got worse and worse with the decisions she made and the comments she said. She was also racist, like a lot of people in the house, but didn't even compare to GinaMarie and Aaryn. I wish she made it a little farther though. I feel like she fell to hard for Jeremy and ultimately paid the price for it by association with him.

7- Howard Overby~ Howard was the most annoying person when it came to confessionals. He completely overexaggerated and it annoyed me very much. He didn't win anything and lied all the time. He was pretty sketchy and I didn't care for him too much. He wasn't awful at competitions but wasn't too good at them either. Overall, he was very kind and I respect that.

6- Nick Uhas~ Alright, he is high on the list because he did very well in the time he was in the house and didn't make any racist comments. He was loyal to the Moving Company, but they weren't always loyal to him. If only he threw the competition for Elissa he might still be in right now.

5- Judd Daughtery~ Judd was a huge floater until he won HOH in week 4. He came out of nowhere and started to make deals with others in the house. He is my favorite of the people already evicted and I hope he is the one who enters the house again. He was always nice and I felt horrible when he got blindsided. He did do well in competitions and was a small power player. Judd, come back and stir up trouble in the house! Please!

4- McCrae Olson~ I was shocked when McCrae won the first HOH. He is really nice and isn't afraid to make his own moves. He may hide behind Amanda a little bit, but he wouldn't be afraid to cut her loose if she starts to mess up his game. I hope he makes it far with 3 A.M.

3- Andy Herren~ Alright, I am finally at my top 3! Andy is likable and I feel he could make it really far if he plays his cards right. He isn't too good at competitions, but managed to win an HOH and POV in one week. I like him more than most of the people in the house, but I hope he doesn't become a huge floater. He needs to start making some big moves and eliminate the power players. He is really funny but can be slightly annoying at times. I do hope he makes it to the final 3 though.

2- Helen Kim~ Here is my runner-up for favorite player. At first, I thought she was going to be a major floater like Lawon or Shelly from past seasons. But, she really stepped up her game in week 3 by winning HOH. She has been secretly controlling the house (that is until Jessie screwed her over) and I love it. I hope she makes it far and doesn't get screwed over by 3 A.M.! I hate how my favorite two are against each other. Her and Amanda are almost tied for first, but Amanda slightly wins in my mind. Go Helen!

1- Amanda Zuckerman~ Alright, I know my favorite is a huge topic of discussion and very controversial! I love her! She is hilarious and is controlling the house, but not as undercover as Helen. She may be bossy but that is her character and I hope it doesn't hurt her in the game. Every week her and McCrae pick the nominees and ultimately who leaves the house. I hope she wins the 500K! I am glad the MVP twist is over because she would be in big trouble if it were still around and America chose the nominee. She needs to improve in her competition skills, but she never does horrible at the competitions! She always gets so close to winning. I really hope she can turn things around and win this whole game!


AMANDA < 333333
Sent by Lemjam6,Aug 17, 2013
Don't forget to leave your list of favorites and tag me if you make a blog of your own similiar to this!
Sent by Bwcoleman222,Aug 17, 2013

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