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The Buechley's blog

Posts 64 posts

Big Brother: Resident Evil Edition Episode 1 Jul 13, 2011
Claire Redfield is the first HOH

Nominees are Ada Wong and Rebecca Chambers

POV Winner: Ada Wong

Replacement Nominee: Jack Krauser

Who should leave? Rebecca or Jack?

Also, who should get next HOH?
Points: 9 2 comments
Big Brother: Resident Evil Edition Jul 12, 2011
This is Big Brother: Resident Evil Edition! There will be fourteen houseguests from numerous different Resident Evil games.

Houseguests are:

Chris Redfield
Jill Valentine
Rebecca Chambers
Barry Burton
Albert Wesker
Leon S. Kennedy
Claire Redfield
Ada Wong
Carlos Oliveira
Nicholai Ginoveaf
Steve Burnside
Jack Krauser
Sheva Alomar

Reply and tell me who you would like to win the first HOH.

I will update this regularly.    Thanks
Points: 61 8 comments
Your Honest Opinion May 2, 2011
Below is the prologue to the book I would like to finish someday. It is a planned series with at least three books included. I just want to know if it is well written and if it seems even the least bit interesting. Lets me know what you think. And, if you want to know more about the planned series, just message me and I'll give you the details.

Guardians Prologue
        The air was still and the night soundless as the moon light up the compact town square. Small trees aligned both sides of the street and lamp posts were intermittently spread across the sight. A robin sat soundly in her nest formed in one of the trees, her eggs tucked under her securely. She observed her surrounding with caution, ready and willing to protect her young no matter the cost. Only the distant screeching of another avian or the barking of a dog occasionally broke the peaceful silence. Suddenly, a much closer noise snatched the robins attention.
        The sound of stilettos contacting the pavement could be heard as a trio of young humans entered the square. A woman walking with definite confidence appeared under one of the lamp lights. She dressed as if she had just returned from a party. Her long blonde hair was kept untied, flowing down her back. A scarlet halter top concealed her chest and a white mini skirt ended slightly above her knees. Hoop earrings and a white pearl necklace accompanied her wardrobe; as did a small designer handbag. She had been the source of the noise, with black stilettos strapped to her feet. She stopped, sighing as a teenage girl and boy finally caught up to her.
        The teenage girl appeared very similar to the woman before her. She had medium-length blonde hair which was kept just like the formers. She wore a pink halter top and a pair of form-fitting blue jeans. No earrings or necklaces accompanied her wardrobe. Around her feet were a pair of white running shoes. The boy also wore jeans, but with several holes included. A simple black T-shirt covered his chest. Over the shirt was an unzipped green jacket. He also wore a pair of running shoes, although his were a deep black.
        The robin kept her attention on the threesome of humans before her as they began to speak.
        The boy ran a hand through his messy black hair. “Is this the place?”
        The stiletto-wearing woman flipped her hair over her shoulder. “Of course it is. Grandview Bank.”
        “It seems like a dump to me.” The boy continued. “I assumed this heist was going to be a little more thrilling.”
        “Honey, this is just the beginning of what he has planned.” answered the girl again. “Sis, would you mind doing the usual sweep?”
        “Of course not Phoebe.” Sighed the teenage girl as she walked toward the building they had stopped near.
        She glanced left and right, spotting a security camera positioned a few feet above the main entrance.
        “You’d think the ords would come up with more clever places to put these things.” She giggled.
        “I guess that’s what happens when you aren’t blessed like us.” The woman named Phoebe sighed. “Do it.”
        The teenage girl raised her hand. Instantaneously, flames began to dance across her palm. She acted as if they weren’t there, turning back to face her accomplices.
        “I’m starting to get tired of doing this. I mean, Ale-“
        “Stop! You don’t know if we are alone!” Phoebe scolded her. “Just do it already!”
        Frowning, the girl turned back around and gazed at the camera above. She clenched her hand into a fist, the flames forming into an orb. She thrust her fist forward, the flames soaring from her hand and connecting with the camera, melting it into nothing.
        “Well done.” Phoebe mocked, gazing at her nails, clearly bored. “You’re up big boy.”
        The boy stepped forward. “Tiff, get out of the way.”
        The teenage girl returned to her place, standing behind the boy. The moment she was out of his way, the boy lifted his arms into the air.
        “You might want to grab something sis.” Phoebe said, wrapping her arm around the lamp post.
        “I know.” Her sister, Tiffany, replied, grabbing a hold of the same lamp post.
        The wind began to pick up, swirling leaves and dust all across the square. The tree branches rocked back and forth violently. The observing robin clutched her nest with her beak, attempting to keep herself, and her eggs, inside. The sisters clutching the lamp post held their hair down with one hand while trying not to slip. Before long, the winds began to condense and the boy held his hands forward. Appearing in a horizontal motion in front of him was a compact cyclone swirling with intensity. He thrust forward just as Tiffany had, releasing the cyclone from his control. The wind slammed into the front doors of the bank, tearing them off their hinges with a deafening boom.
        “There.” Phoebe said, gingerly releasing herself from the lamp post and making her way to the opening. “As usual, I had to do all the work.”
        The boy sighed as Tiffany joined him. “I know Garrett. But she’s my sister. She practically raised me and taught me everything I know.”
        “Yeah, yeah.” The boy, Garrett, continued. “I just can’t wait until he lets us stop this mission. I mean, what good is robbing yet another bank? It’s not like he doesn’t have enough money as it is.”
        “Trust me, I know. But Phoebe trusts him so I do too.” Tiffany said, stepping forward to join her sister.
        The robin, still safe in her nest, watched as Garrett joined the sisters inside the bank, stepping over the downed door in the process. For a moment, the square became quiet once again and she closed her eyes.
        An alarm began to blare minutes later and the trio hurryingly stepped back out under the lamp, large sacks slung over their shoulders.
        “We have to get out of here!” Garrett said, urgency in his voice.
        “I understand that!” Phoebe snarled.
        “Then let’s go!” Tiffany cried, grabbing her sister by the wrist.
        Phoebe pulled her hand back. “Wait, I want to leave a little remind of who was here.”
        She held up her hand just as her sister had done moments earlier, flames burst from her palm as well. She concentrated the flames into an orb and hurled it at the nearest tree, engulfing the plant in searing fire.
        “Now we can leave.” Phoebe smirked, taking off down the sidewalk at a brisk pace.
        Tiffany stared at the burning tree, not moving an inch, her urgent demeanor completely gone.
        Garrett touched her shoulder. “Tiff, we need to get out of here right now.”
        “Do you hear that?” she asked in a monotonous tone.
        “Hear what?”
        “Something’s screeching.”
Points: 79 10 comments
Am I the Only One? Apr 26, 2011
imageWho is starting to get really bored with these games?

Lately, I've been trying to get into Castings, but I just can't find myself wanting to. Also, I really want to play Rookies but now slow ones. Fast Rookies were what really kept me here, and now I have nothing to look forward to. I've made so many good friends on this site and I don't want to leave.

I'm just not sure what to do anymore.
Points: 18 1 comments
Are fast Rookies done? Apr 11, 2011
I really hope not. They are what I love about this site.
Points: 30 2 comments
Public Apology Apr 7, 2011

I have no idea what happened here! Im so sorry to all those who bet on me. I actually thought my 100th game was going to be a success but I guess not. Take a look for yourselves.

Forgive me, I really did believe that they were helping me.
Points: 154 12 comments