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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

1st group game.. FAIL!!

Dec 19, 2009 by Brandy926
So I joined my first ever group game what seems like forever ago. I was excited to play and even got some players that were needed for the game. There was to be a new comp every 24 hours. Well its about 2 weeks later and we only did 3 comps.

When we all joined we were asked to please please please not quit the game. A few did but for the most part we all stayed. Well then Hobbit decideds hes not going to keep up with the game!! When questioned about it, his answer was

I am trying to determine the best way to deal with this,we seem to have a boat load of people that quit,and it is demonstrating to me that the game is not as popular plus I also have had castings games and a busy RL life to contend with too,with things being during the holiday

But yet he has started a new Survivor group game.. WTF??? Nice excuse!! Whatever though. What pisses me off most was I was in a castings game with him while he was getting this group together and was so annoyed by his spamming every comment about joining I basically joined hoping he would shut up!!

Join my group not an Fail
Sent by whatman33,Dec 19, 2009
hobbit is an... interesting individual
Sent by zimdelinvasor,Dec 19, 2009

It is as I just posted in there a few minutes ago,it is very frusturating when you try and run a game,and put work into doing proper challenges,and then in mid challenge or mid elimination poll,,people up and quit! Even without saying they are quitting! You know personally I don't understand first of all why people sign up for something they cannot committ to! The number of people that actually did the first few challenges went down each time! I said it in the rules,that the game requires activity on a regular basis. I even ask people to read the rules before signing up so they know what they get into. This critisizm is totally ridiculous!
Sent by hobbitrjw26,Dec 19, 2009
-3 for 1 of the only ppl who played your game!! Merry Christmas to me!!
Sent by Brandy926,Dec 19, 2009
Sent by Scheuerman14,Dec 19, 2009
i pluss 3 it hahaha it was a dumb game and he had no idea what he was doing. some of the questions no one in the world would know. but i to played the game. i do addmitt i didn do the last challenge but i didnt know we had one cuz he was messaging  me when it was posted but he did not this last one.
Sent by cherryadayj,Dec 19, 2009
im in the group game hobbit made brandy i can honestly say. i agree with yah :)

Sent by ninjajizziwizzi,Dec 19, 2009

i was in that group game and it waaas greeeeeeeaat!!!

i lied..xD
Sent by jHe_07,Dec 19, 2009
lol.. i knew to expect a smartass comment from you.. <3
Sent by Brandy926,Dec 19, 2009
this is not the only group game that will stop
what r u gonna put a blog up everytime a game dosent continue like really
Sent by vh1clown,Dec 20, 2009
maybe i will. we were never told it had stopped. there are still enough people willing to play. sorry it happened to be your friend or whatever. but it was my first group game and i wanted to blog about it.
Sent by Brandy926,Dec 20, 2009
firefly and sizzle
Sent by MarkiePoo,Jul 27, 2010

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