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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Okay here is my stance...

Oct 2, 2017 by BonAppetit
Regarding gun laws.

For me, guns don't drive people to kill. It's the people that have possession of them. I do believe that there should be limits on who can have guns, and who shouldn't.

But will that help anything? No. Not in the least. They could use other means to harm others. Vehicles, bombs, knives, whatever means needed for them. It also doesn't help that people could find other ways to have possession of weapons like that.

That's just the sad thing with our nation today. No one is safe really anymore. I shouldn't have to be worried whenever I go to an event that someone will cause a mass shooting. I shouldn't have to give a lecture on how to prepare for a mass shooting to other students (I'm a residential assistant at my college). It just infuriates that this is our day and age.

I am against guns personally, and I would never own one myself for personal reasons. But telling others that they shouldn't have a gun isn't gonna do anything more than cause a fight. It's not the time to fight about this, and screw anyone who is trying to make this a political debate.

I guess that's just what I have to say on the matter.



But it has to be a political debate because guns are readily available and deadly and much easier to use than bombs and much more deadly than knives or vehicles and doing nothing should simply be unacceptable to everyone.
Sent by Moonfelar,Oct 2, 2017
Moonfelar I agree, but there is a place and time to do it. Now to me isn't the time since we see so many people grieving for what has happened. Let whatever wounds heal, and then proceed with the talks.
Sent by BonAppetit,Oct 2, 2017
bonappetit okay I understand that people are grieving but things have to change and they might as well change sooner than later because if we wait too long another mass shooting will occur and another and another. Let those that are grieving grieve in peace and the rest of us can work on making sure this happens far less in the future.
Sent by Moonfelar,Oct 2, 2017

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