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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Blue13's blogBlog

  1. Ronnie


Jul 23, 2009 by Blue13
imageRonnie from big brother is a pregnant, fat, spineless fuck! He is the one ruining the show for me, it's because of him that all my favorites are getting kicked off.

The only reason he put Jordan up, was because she had found out what he was doing, working both sides. And being the pissy whiney brat he is, had to put her up. And now another one of my favorites will be leaving, either Laura or Jordan. It's not good that all my favorites are being removed so fast, I barely like anyone this season.

So yep, Ronnie is ruining the whole show, not just for me, but for a lot of other people.

And when Laura gets kicked out (since most likely she will) she should do this to Ronnie, just to make this season a bit worth while.


Ronnie knows how to play the game. If you can't roll with the punches, then the show probably isn't for you. I find it entertaining, how he's playing the game, rather then sitting around doing nothing. I like Jordan a lot, so I hope Laura goes--but at the end of the day, I respect and enjoy the moves he's been making.
Sent by Vindication,Jul 23, 2009
no one cares who's your favorites, ronnie currently is the one running the house, sheesh, people and their fucking emotions
Sent by oedipus23,Jul 23, 2009
well ronnie just got caught by the hole house and everyone hates him so you two guys should stop hating and listen
Sent by tehtoastman,Jul 25, 2009

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