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The BlairWaldorf's blog

Posts 61 posts

Do you believe in the Freudian Slip? Mar 7, 2011
It's a slip of the tongue in which a word that the speaker was subconsciously thinking about is substituted for the one that he or she meant to say.
"For seven and a half years I've worked alongside President Reagan. We've had triumphs. Made some mistakes. We've had some sex... uh... setbacks." -A Freudian slip by President George H.W. Bush

Basically thoughts that you repress unconsciously slip out. Or is it just an accident? Learned about it in psych the other day and I have mixed feelings. After all Sigmund Freud was a crazy fucking guy..
Points: 67 11 comments
What if Mar 7, 2011
imageour perception of beauty was wronge and everyone society thought was beautiful was actually ugly and everyone we percieve ugly was beautiful?
Like the features we think are good looking were in reality ugly?
I know everyone has their own preferences and the more you like someone the more they are good looking but if you dislike them you only see their bad features, atleast im that way but overall we pretty much think alike. No one can say Megan Fox isn't beautiful even if you dislike her. If you do, you're just jealous & I don't just throw that insult lightly around.
Anyways, has anyone else thought of this before?

EDIT: Marilyn Monrole because shes even pretty by todays standards and was alive like 50s before plasic surgery
Points: 39 9 comments
Tengaged needs changes, not in games but additions Mar 7, 2011
We need something on people's profiles such as a "wall" people can write on like facebook. There are many people I just want to leave a nice little hello to but don't want to send a stupid pointless message. Just a nice stop bye hello, you're awesome, I miss you comment area where you can express whatever. Fuck your little message system. & anyone that post spam on a wall gets perm ban. Idk you can't really call it a wall that's too much a rip from FB, I guess we could call it "so-&-so's area" or just cop out and say "so-&-so's comments" we don't need status', blogs are enough. Don't get carried away as aways randyranran
Points: 0 1 comments
Methods to Lucid Dreaming? Mar 7, 2011
imageI'm obessesed with trying to lucid dream and methods to do so, I've only lucid dreamed a couple of times but I was only aware I was dreaming and didn't attempt to control anything. It hasn't happened in a long time & I haven't really attempted any so called 'methods'. Someone should try these and tell me if they work? ;)

Try Stephen Laberge's mnemonic induction of lucid dreaming (MILD) technique.

Set your alarm clock to wake you up 4 1/2, 6, or 7 1/2 hours after falling asleep.
When you are awakened by your alarm clock, try to remember the dream as much as possible.
When you think you have remembered as much as you can, return to your place of rest, imagining that you are in your previous dream, and becoming aware that you are dreaming. Say to yourself, "I will be aware that I'm dreaming," or something similar. Do this until you think that it has "sunk in." Then go to sleep.
If random thoughts pop up when you are trying to fall asleep, repeat the imagining, self-suggestion part, and try again. Don't worry if you think it's taking a long time. The longer it takes, the more likely it will 'sink in,' and the more likely you will have a lucid dream.

There are a ton more methods go look them up! :)
Points: 69 8 comments
found this reading something on yahoo but it reminded me of you guys.. Feb 14, 2011
ADAM LAMBERT!!! How can anyone think Bruno Mars has better vocals than Adam Lambert? He was totally unmatched in 2010. Most successful U.S. and international tour of 2010...Can hit notes that no one else can hit in male vocals..has a fierce and loyal fan base that even his guitarist Monty Pittman said he's never seen anything like it before, and he played with Madonna for years.
Points: 35 1 comments
No title Feb 12, 2011
Points: 58 5 comments