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Big Brother and online Hunger games.


Jul 17, 2018 by BigBrotherSuperToMe

1. Natalie AwesomeCookie (1 NOM 1 POV)
2. Austin Starving_Today (1 NOM 1 POV)
3. Kourtney Top20fan33
4. Jozea Jasoi (1 RENOM) #11th
5. Brandon yoshicoolman
6. Davonne MonicaStar (1 NOM)
7. Malandra CalebDaBoss
8. Sydney Guigi
9. Christine Crissy15 (1 NOM)
10.Laurel Absol (1 HOH)
11 Mac Macda27 (1 RENOM) #12th
12.Mel me2013 (1 HOH)

Jozea ( Jasoi) #11th
Mac ( Macda27) #12th

When I reveal the vote the evicted houseguest will have just a few moments to say goodbye and walk out the frontdoor by a vote of 5 - 1
Jozea ( Jasoi) you are evicted from the big brother house

If you don’t vote in the eviction you get a strike right now Brandon ( Yoshicoolman) has not voted in the past 2 evictions she has 2 strikes right now, normally I would make it go to 3 but ik they have cancer so I’ll let them only go up to 5 anyways has chosen as this weeks HoH.... Congratulations Christine ( Crissy15) You are the new HoH you have 24 hours to make your nominations good luck houseguests

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