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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

More of tengaged for you

Jan 20, 2010 by Barack_Obama
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Tengaged?
Tengaged is a Reality Social Network where game and social platform are completely embedded providing a unique environment where every action becomes social and part of the game at the same time. Unlike other games or social networks, Tengaged is totally based on "reality games". A reality game is an interactive game involving multiple participants around a story that takes place in real-time, evolves according to participants actions and needs a complete player involvement in the game.
Tengaged's participants start by enrolling into several games where they should interact with other participants. These games are based on "Big Brother" and "Survivor" type of games where a group of participants are voted, nominated and finally evicted one by one. It enforces participants to interact between them and form secret alliances to help them stay out of the block. On initial levels the game is based partially on user's action and interactions between other participants as well as on game algorithms which will select some of the nominees. As participants get more experience they may enroll in further games where the rules and number of participants changes substantially. The games last for a few days (usually a week) and are fully automatize by our Reality Game Engine
What's the required age to play on Tengaged?
It's strictly forbidden for anybody under the age of 13. Tengaged is about social interactions, alliances and friendship, but at the same time drama, betrayals, back-stabbing and some tension may occur during the games. Approximately 55% of Tengaged users are above 18 years old while the rest is between 13 and 18 years old.
Which are the games available on Tengaged?
There are 4 different type of games although the final number will grow during next months. You basically start playing on "Casting" game along with 19 more participants and each day there will be 2 evictions. One of the evictions is based on participants nominations while the second one is selected by the Tengaged algorithm. On final day only a few will survive and final winner will be selected.
Further game levels as "Rookies" follow the Big Brother USA style where one of the participants becomes the Head of Household (HoH) which is the responsible for nominating two HouseGuests for eviction and a second participant gets the Power of Veto. This game starts each time 10 participants enroll and last during 7 days.
"Stars" is the third game available on Tengaged. This game unlike previous games is only played once a week and is based on Big Brother UK where public voting from all Tengaged members are deciding who is evicted daily from the 2 nominated participants selected by the HouseGuests.
The newest game additon to Tengaged is "Survivor". This game is played with two tribes of ten. Once 10 of the original 20 players are voted out the two tribes merge and start a new game against another merged tribe. This game is unique becasue if provides challenges for Tribal and Individual immunity, as well as adding an apsect of collecting food and water for your tribe.
Tengaged provides tools to create "User Generated Games" and many other different games are ongoing right now. All these User games are based on many of the well known reality TV shows and are hosted by Tengaged users instead of previous games where are fully automated.
How can I enroll in a game?
To enroll in a game you need to create an account on Tengaged. Creating an account and playing on Tengaged is free. Once you have your user account you need to go to your profile page and click on the "Enroll" button. Select the type of game and that's all. If it's your first time you'll only be able to play at "Casting" games where you participate against other 19 participants. Once you get more Karma and T$ by being active and winning some games you will be able to enroll into Big Brother games based on USA or UK rules (Rookies and Stars). Also you will be able to enroll in the Survivor game.
How do I get some Karma?
Karma is increased each time a game is ended. The better position you endup the more Karma you get.
How many games can I play?
There are no limits in the number of games you may play on Tengaged, however you may enroll initially only into 1 game simultaneously, once you get more karma you may enroll into more games at the same time. Remember that this game is about forming your alliances and knowing other housemates so it's usually better to focus on less to win the games. Tengaged use a virtual currency that you will need in order to enroll, earning the virtual currency is free by being active into games, getting into a high position, creating your blog on Tengaged, voting other's people blogs, etc.
I was evicted from a game but I can not enroll into a new game
Even if you are evicted, the game continues until it ends up on the final day. If you are evicted early you will have to wait until the game ends.
Can I contact a housemate out of a game
You can send messages thru the internal mailing system in Tengaged. However if your color level is below Yellow you only can send messages to your reciprocal friends. Once you get Yellow level you will be able to mail anybody on Tengaged.
Is there any video I can see about Tengaged?
Yeah, this is our first demo video about our favorite site ;)
How may I help?
We will appreciate any help we can get. Do you blog? or have a MySpace or Facebook account?. Please help us spread Tengaged among your friends or readers ;)
Is it free?
Yes, Tengaged is FREE. There are a different number of ways to earn our virtual currency and the game dynamics allows you to earn virtual currency by just playing on Tengaged.
What are the color levels?
Color levels show the strength of a player. For example a top "black" card holder has 10 times more power than a "white" level. The higher the power the more value than certain actions will have, i.e. when voting a user's post.
Which are the color levels?
There are 10 basic color levels, which follow the color belts in some martial arts. Depending on the Karma you get you are eligible to get a new level. You may get your new color levels on the shop Table 1. Value of different color levels Color Karma needed Price in T$ Strengh
0 0 1
15 30 2x
30 40 3x
60 50 4x
90 80 5x
120 90 6x
180 100 7x
200 120 8x
240 140 9x
350 200 10x

How do I earn T$?
T$ is the virtual currency on Tengaged. It will allow you to upgrade your "color level", enroll into games, bet and buy lots of new stuff (shortly).
You may earn T$ by:
- Winning games. See below to get exact prices.
- Writting posts. By writting in your blog, you are eligible to get money depending on number of comments and votes obtained.
- Betting on Rookies games.
- Daily active games. If you are active in a game you get a fixed daily ammount (depends on your color level)
- Daily blog's post voting. If you are active voting other people's post you get a fixed daily ammount (depending on your color level)
Game enroll prices
Enrolling in "Casting": FREE
Enrolling in "Rookies": 15 T$
Enrolling in "Stars": Variable
Enrolling in "Survivor": 20T$
How much karma and T$ do I win per game?
Table 2. Prizes for Tengaged games Pos Casting Rookies Survivor Stars
1st 15K-20T$ 20K-40T$ Merge & 10K-10T$ 50K-150T$
2nd 10K-16T$ 12K-30T$ Merge & 10K-10T$ 30K-80T$
3rd 9K-14T$ 10K-25T$ Merge & 10K-10T$ 15K-60T$
4th 8K-10T$ 5K-15T$ Merge & 10K-10T$ 50T$
5th 7k-9T$ 4K-12T$ Merge & 10K-10T$ 45T$
6th 6k-8T$ 3K-8T$ Merge & 10K-10T$ 40T$
7th 5K-7T$ 2K-5T$ Merge & 10K-10T$ 30T$
8th 4K-6T$ 1K-3T$ Merge & 10K-10T$ 20T$
9th 3K-5T$ 0K-1T$ Merge & 10K-10T$ 0T$
10th 2K-4T$  Merge & 10K-10T$ 0T$
11th 1K-3T$  0T$ 0T$
12th 2T$  0T$ 0T$
13th 2T$  0T$ 0T$
14th 0T$  0T$ 0T$
15th 0T$  0T$ 0T$
16th 0T$  0T$ 0T$
17th 0T$  0T$ 
18th 0T$  0T$ 
19th 0T$  0T$ 
20th 0T$  0T$ 

Betting on games
You can only bet in a game if you are level "yellow" or up.
You won't lose your T$ on those bets among those reaching final day (5th position) and wins will increase up till 1st position where your wager is doubled. The quantity you may bet for each games depends on your available T$ and your color level (yellow is 4T$ max. per game while black level goes up to 20 T$ max. per game).
What are the Donation Links?
It's a way to get more T$ while helping Tengaged to spread across other different sites.
By posting your "donation" link to a page outside Tengaged (if it's inside tengaged it wont work) you allow new people to enter into Tengaged and you will get 0.1T$ per click. By posting a link on a very visited place you can earn easily 3T$ (max per day) daily without doing anything :)
Donation links can only be used once per day per IP, so the same person clicking repeatedly on the link won't add more money into your account as each person can only donate once per day.
A good way to earn money is by posting a nice description about Tengaged and ending it with your "donation" link, or signing on blogs with your donation link, etc.
Survivor Rules
Rules: (by Tommyg)
1) You must be at least an Orange Color Level to participate in the Survivor Game.
2) You must have at least 20 T$'s to participate in the Survivor Game.
3) There are 10 Participants per tribe.
4) Each day, there will be an Immunity Challenge. The Tribe that wins will be safe from Tribal Council. The losing Tribe will vote one of their tribe mates out of the game.
5) After 10 people have been eliminated, the tribes will merge, and 10 people from another game will merge with yours.
6) You continue to play the same Game until you are voted out of your Tribe.

How does the design game works?
See designs game rules here
How do the shops work?
See Shopping game rules here


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Sent by Henton,Jan 20, 2010

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