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My Rants <3

Posts 96 posts

Points: 22 1 comments
advance towards me brotheren ! Apr 2, 2012
Points: 11 2 comments
LMFAO OMAR FAILS!!! Dec 18, 2011
Points: 21 1 comments
My story Dec 5, 2011
imageThis a response to Seal . Well it started when i was in 7th grade. I started to change my style because i could finally choose how to cut my hair. And the most "popular" girls in school HATED me. they would have everyone always bagg on me and talk shit to me on myspace and facebook. She would come to me every day at lunch and smack my food off my hand so everyone would laugh at me, This went on into 8th grade. I never cried about this, i never told my mom about this because she also didnt accept the fact that i changed, Niether of my family did.

One day those girl decided to throw razors at me. Calling emo and that i should go kill my self because i was worthless. I was done and this point. I grabbed one of those razors ditched the rest of school. That night i cut my wrists Sobbing. I was in pain mentally and psychically. I passed out when my found me on my bed. I woke up in the hospital that night. I cried for 2 days strait. After 3 days at being in the hospital, they set me to a mental facility for a week and half.

When i returned to school. The same girls tried to bully me again . Untill after school I jumped all three of them for the pain they caused and made 2 years of my life a living hell. This recently happen in februrary of this year. I have grown from my phase and my scars remind me NEVER to let someone break me down. And this in my story.

the picture is of me during the whole thing ._.
Points: 87 8 comments
ONE LAST CALL PYN!!! Nov 26, 2011 !!!
Brittanyy omar says so
Points: 14 1 comments
PYN IF YOU WANT A SHOUT OUT! Nov 26, 2011 1 more min!
Points: 0 0 comments