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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

The Apprentice

Apr 18, 2010 by AndiJean
So, I am anxiously awaiting for The Apprentice to be on in like 2 hours. I'm wondering who will go home tonight. If you've already seen it (because of time differences), please don't spoil it! :)

I am thinking that the women will lose this challenge. They've had a decent track record, but I think it's time for the men to win won. From the previews, it looks like Cyndi gets into an altercation with the other women so I'm banking that she goes home tonight for not being a team player or some other excuse. Any other predictions/Apprentice fans?


It's not that I want Cyndi to go home, that's just my prediction!
Sent by AndiJean,Apr 18, 2010
Cyndi was SUCH a bitch this episode! I am so glad that Maria said her vision of her childhood idol has been tarnished or whatever. I actually was expecting the women to lose and was hoping that Maria would stay over Cyndi (can you believe that?!) but so glad they won and happy Sharon is back :) :) lol
Sent by jdsurvivor,Apr 19, 2010
LOL! That's hilarious! I thought the EXACT opposite. I was totally on Cyndi's side and thought Maria and Holly needed to STFU because Cyndi is obviously more knowledgable than she is. Haha. Figures I would come to root for Cyndi right when you changed your mind! lol

I'm glad Sharon is back too! I hope she's PM next week!
Sent by AndiJean,Apr 19, 2010

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