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Alfie's Blog

Posts 123 posts

What to blog about? Jan 5, 2009
Okay i love to blog.. but i have no idea what to blog about, so... come with suggestions ;D

Suggest stuff for me to blog about and ill blog about stuff you want me to blog about so like totaly cool and this is just ranting and i keep going on and ok ill shut up... :D

So coment and tell me what to blog about ^_^

Well, i always got something :P but i want to blog abotu what you want me to blog about so like.. just.. tell me waht to blog about :)
Points: 2 1 comments
Pokemon ^_^ Jan 5, 2009
imageI used to LOVE Pokemon when i was younger ^_^ and one of the stars nominees made me want to talk a bit about it here XD

lol Pokemons are soooooo cute unless they are ugly or weird or stupid or scary <.<

but most are CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE and cool ^_^

I havent watched it on TV for a couple years now :(
because its on TV in the morning here :P on saturday mornings when im still sleeping lmao XD

Favourite Pokemon ever?
Gotta be Pikachu :D
Points: 39 6 comments
Congratulations Lockie :) Jan 5, 2009
Congratulations on winning the stars game ;D good job, i voted for him :)

So.. new stars game!!! YAY
Im rooting for my friend NoelSarah! She is awesome! i also like Maggie, so ill be an NoelSarah and Maggie fan this time!


Points: 36 4 comments
Hey could anyone tell me something? Jan 4, 2009
I wonder what the rookie games are like :P lol i know its BB rules, but can someone please explain more detailed or something?

it would be appreciated ^_^
Points: 16 3 comments
Awww Jake :( oh well :P Jan 3, 2009
You did great in the stars game :)

Good luck to the finalists :D
Points: 24 2 comments
Gues what i had for dinner and win amazing prize! Jan 3, 2009
So yeah :P
the prize is a *hug*


so just start guessing sexy bitches ;D
Points: 55 10 comments