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Big Brother and online Hunger games.

Omar's Random Big Brother 4 - Week 9

Jul 30, 2013 by 5651Omar
imagePreviously on Big Brother:

Week 9:
With Mike exiting the Big Brother house Natalie knew she had no more allies in the game, and began to thank everyone for saving her. Ross was just laughing with the rest of the house, & Natalie went out and called him fake for playing both sides.

At the Head of Household competition Natalie managed to pull out a desperate win ensuring herself a spot in the Final 5. The boys seem to be disappointed, since Natalie was public enemy #1.

Natalie knew she had to shake the house now, or else she would be the next to be going home. Natalie then approached Ed & Nic with a final 3 alliance to try to take out the Big Threats in the house. They agreed in hopes to not be nominated. Natalie agreed that, she will focus on herself & take out the BIG targets in the house.

At the nomination ceremony Natalie went for the one of powerhouses of the house, Mala & put up Ryan as a pawn. Ryan understood that he was just a pawn but can become the target if Mala takes himself off the block.

At the Veto competition, Mala showed Natalie that he is a powerhouse & won the competition. Natalie then began to gun for the second powerhouse Ross, but he had no clue about it.

At the Veto ceremony Mala obviously used the Golden Power of Veto to take himself off the block, forcing Natalie to name a replacement nominee. Natalie then shocked the whole house by nominating Ross. Ross stayed positive & hoped he would stay in the house.

Ryan felt comfortable in the house, and knew Ross was a bigger threat to take out. Ross went to Mala & offered him a final 2 because Natalie showed her true colors this week. Mala accepted the offer, & Ross went to Ed & Nic to convince them to save him. But, Natalie tried to keep Ed & Nic in check to evict him. They were up in the air.

By a vote of 2-1.
Ross, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house.

Final 5, 1 Celebrity left. Who would be evicted next?!

Week 9:
HoH: Natalie Nunn
Nominees: Ryan & Mala
Power of Veto: Mala
Final Nominees: Ryan & Ross Mathews
Evicted: Ross Matthews (2-1 Vote)

Cast Photos:

Remaining Houseguests:
Ed ( 49288)
Nic ( NicWhealdon)
Mala ( Malachite05)
Ryan ( Scorch)
Natalie Nunn (Bad Girls Club)

6th [Juror #4]  : Ross Matthews (Chelsea Lately) [2-1]
7th [Juror #3]  : Mike Sorrentino (Jersey Shore) [3-1]
8th [Juror #2]  : Mitchel Musso (Hannah Montana) [4-1]
9th [Juror #1]  : Shaquanda ( LassiDoggy) [5-1]
10th: Joan Rivers (Fashion Police) [5-2]
11th: Jake ( Jakehou97) [5-3]
12th: Steven ( Dalagninja) [6-3]
13th: Farrah Abraham (Teen Mom) [6-4]
14th: Coco ( Don_Draper)  [8-3]
15th: Montana ( ToriMarie) [4-2]


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