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Ask Me DanielKennedy111

Latest answers by DanielKennedy111Go to profile

16Q: Hello! Who are you? what is your name? where are you from? tell us a little more about what you do in your day to day

asked by lBrice

I’m Daniel (most people call me DK). I live in the South USA. I run a taproom for a brewery.

0Q: Hm opinion? And if you could go back in time to fix something you did, would you ? Or would you just take the lessons you learned from it and not change it!

asked by Hisoka

I think for us never meeting each other before Survivor, you were extremely nice to help me the way you did. I’ll always consider you a friend now!! And I don’t think I’d ever go back in time to fix something. I believe that you learn lessons from mistakes

-5Q: 1.
a loud, fast-moving, and aggressive form of rock music, popular in the late 1970s.
"punk had turned pop music and its attendant culture on its head"
a worthless person (often used as a general term of abuse).
"you think any of these punks they got fighting today could stand up to Joe Louis?"

asked by christossss

I’m not worthless :(

0Q: Punk

asked by christossss


15Q: expose any houston tyler west secret

asked by Aquamarine

he broke up with a girl because she got a bad hair cut

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