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Rules / Regulations

Topic » Rules / Regulations

2491 days 8 hours ago
-All Live Challenges will take place a time between 3pm-9pm EST. There will rarely ever be an exception to this rule.
-There will be a mix of Live and Non-Live Challenges during the game. You will have at the most, 24 hours, for non-live challenges, but there will be some times where less time is permitted.
-There will be no Reward Challenges. Some challenges may offer extra “rewards” to the winning tribe / individual, but all challenges will be for some sort of immunity, whether that’s tribal, or individual.

-Directly after a challenge is finished, I will post Tribal Council. I will mail everyone that they need to vote. You’ll have from the end of the challenge until about 4pm EST the next day, unless otherwise stated, to send me your vote. Votes will always be read between 4-9pm EST, or if I get them all beforehand. In that case, I will read them earlier.
-You can change your vote, but it must be clearly stated. You can change it as many times as you want until the deadline.
-Not voting at Tribal will result in a self-vote, which could result in your elimination.
-You can ask me to hold the vote if you have no possible way of voting in time (if you start asking me to hold the vote every single Tribal, I can and will say no. It’s your responsibility to vote on time, but I’m going to be nice, and allow this option once and awhile if you absolutely need it. If you knew you’d have some serious time constraints, you shouldn’t have applied).
-If you send me your vote later than the time designated when they were due, but I haven’t read the votes yet, your vote will not count out of fairness.
-TIES in my series will result in a re-vote. If the vote is still tied after the re-vote, we will go to a rock draw between non-immune castaways who didn’t tie. If there is a tie at Final 4 (or if only four people are voting that night), the re-vote will be skipped, and only those tied will draw rocks. There will never ever be any sort of fire-making challenge.

-Hidden Immunity Idols are in play this season. Clues are given daily to the tribe or individual(s) that win Immunity. If you want to play the idol, you must mail me saying so before the vote reveal begins at Tribal.
-Idols can be passed to another player if the owner wishes to. They can be passed to anyone on either tribe, and they can be passed around as many times before it’s played. If you choose to pass an idol, you are giving it away. Whoever it’s given to doesn’t have to give it back or listen to you on when to use it. It becomes their idol, and all their choice on what happens with it once it’s passed to them.
-Idols can only be played up to the Final 6. Once only 5 people are left, idols will no longer be allowed to be played, but I will also post a reminder note in the last Tribal Council they can be played at.
-FAKE IDOLS ARE ALLOWED. If you wish to give someone a fake idol, just tell me. I will not say anything to that person if it's real or not (so if someone gives you an idol, there will always be a chance it's fake. Unless you find it yourself, there is no 100% way to know if it’s real or not!)
2491 days 8 hours ago
There is a Viewers Lounge which is locked to you guys. This Viewers Lounge (VL for short) is a place for people who like to WATCH the season may watch and comment on the goings on, and give their opinions without it interfering with the actual game.

I do not post confessionals in the VL. Those are only accessible to me, until the season is over, when I will allow everyone to view them for some period. This is done to 100% ensure no leaks get out while the game is being played.

-CONFESSIONALS ARE CRUCIAL. They help me better understand strategies, alliances, etc., so when the finale rolls around and people want my opinion on the season, I can give an opinion. They are also a major determining factor in determining returnees for future seasons.
-If you win Individual Immunity, you do have the option to give it to someone else, but if you do choose to give it up, you must mail me saying so, and who you’re giving it to no later than 1 hour after Tribal is posted.
-Those who go offline for 3 or more days, self-vote twice in a row, or self-vote three times throughout the season, will be Medically Evacuated.
-Drama is okay. Intentional and repeated threats / attacks will not be tolerated. If you are constantly causing issues with someone else with the intent of hurting them, action will be taken to put a stop to it.
NOTE: I’m human, and humans make mistakes. If you see I made a mistake, kindly point it out to me. Yelling at me to fix it or calling me a “rigger” will result in me NOT fixing the mistake, and leaving it the way it was to punish you/your tribe for being disrespectful to the host. I don’t rig my games. I put a lot of effort and work to make these games as fun as possible. Rigging them wastes mine, and your time, and is not exciting for anyone.

These are the basic rules. Please help me make these games enjoyable for everyone, by following them. I can and will automatically eliminate anyone who constantly breaks these rules. THEY ARE IN PLACE FOR A REASON.
2491 days 8 hours ago
rigging ur rules sheets for people who can read huh
2491 days 7 hours ago
rigging ur rules sheets for people who can read huh
2491 days 7 hours ago
rigging ur rules sheets for people who can read huh
2490 days 23 hours ago
rigging ur rules sheets for people who can read huh
2490 days 22 hours ago
rigging ur rules sheets for people who can read huh

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