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Topic » Characters;

4009 days 18 hours ago
Hey everyone, my apologies for the delay, but what counts are the roles, which here they are!

The roles have been posted in order of age, and if the same age in order of the job!
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Team: As CEO the whole cast is her branched team, but her SUB team [the one she works with daily] are; AARON & JOEY.

Meet Brianna Branch, 29 and one of the CEO members of Glass Finity LTD. She has been in the business for a long time beginning with her internship. She is a bit mysterious as nobody really knows much about her – she is after all the oldest of her whole team [the whole cast]. Despite her mischief, Brianna is liked by all employees and she strives her best to please everyone. To think she is at the peak of her career is right, is she happy? Absolutely not. She wants a new job. She has been getting closer to Aaron from her sub group team and they have been out for coffee a few times, she is also not sure where they stand. Will she feel forced to find out under the circumstances of lockdown?
4009 days 18 hours ago
Meet Aaron Rivers, 24 and the company director for his branch under Brianna's team. He has held the position for 6 months now, and is doing fairly well. He is very responsible, hard-working and courteous. He's your typical 'tall dark and handsome in a suit and tie' type of guy. Aaron had a good education in high school, and college thus his social skills not lacking. He is not afraid to input his opinion, but also listens to others equally. He has had his eye on a  recent secretary, Nicole 'Nikki' for a bit. He hasn't exchanged words, doesn't know what he can do. Aaron has had coffee with Brianna, CEO and is not sure where he stands with her. He isn’t sure where his heart and mind are at, he much rather concentrate on his work than a love-life, but won't his work be practically done if he pushes Brianna completely away? What will Aaron do when he is faced with questions from Brianna during the lockdown? How will Aaron react to the circumstances, will he keep sane?
4009 days 18 hours ago
Meet Bove Stinger, 24 one of the newest intern. He hasn't really picked somewhere to be, with such a busy schedule Glass Finity CEO Brianna placed him in Vanessa's team with Nathan. In the one month Bove has been here, he has shown his true colours. He is competitive and is constantly competitive for his work, but makes others want it first. He is very manipulative and uses that to his very advantage. Bove finds Nathan and Vanessa to give easy trust and he takes it with both hands. He grew up in a wealthy family but didn't receive much money from his parents. He earned his own cash, not all – but most. He dropped out of college due to not knowing what to do with his future, but later on came back being encouraged by his parents. Can Bove keep calm during the lockdown, or will he try to break the building down to get out onto the snow? Will Bove be able to keep his opinions of the others to himself? Will Bove finally be vulnerable?
4009 days 18 hours ago
Meet Jason Little, 23 and Glass Finity LTD's treasurer for four years. He's simply responsible, intelligent – yet he knows he needs to be charming to make his way around the company, so he flirts a little. No woman in the company knows who he really likes or is fond of. Jason loves money, not in a greedy way; in a way he appreciates the world revolves around it and he's so lucky to be around it everyday. He is very smart, his IQ is just below genius so what is he really doing as a treasurer in a multi-way/service company like Glass Finity LTD? Only he knows. Whenever the  photocopying room gets crowded Jason makes his way out in milliseconds. He has been slightly claustrophobic ever since his nightmare of being stuck in a closing in space which was boiling to unknown degrees.  Will Jason be able to keep the building cool during the lockdown? Will the cool from the circumstances make Jason think it's hot and make him go loopy? Will Jason cozy up to any other employee from the cold?
4009 days 18 hours ago
Meet Vanessa Highland, 23 and a head accountant for marketing in Glass Finity LTD. Being your typical smiley-sweetheart, Vanessa can be bitter – especially when she's being competitive. Bove, the new intern tends to bring that out in her; something she is not too proud of. Vanessa grew up in a normal family, medium class, with normal family issues. She is normal, so what makes her so special to work at Glass Finity? Simple, she has been a free-spirit for a long time and never really knew what she wanted to do with her life. Perhaps that's why some employees dislike her, she doesn't know what she wants for her future and others are working their asses off to get a position like hers. Her downfall besides being extra competitive is easily trusting someone. Will Vanessa see Bove's manipulating through and confront him? Will Vanessa manage to keep company during the lockdown, or will her biggest nightmare become reality?
4008 days 23 hours ago
Meet Arianna Olsen, 22 and the Creative co-director of Glass Finity LTD. She never really had the guts to say things, she is very shy and likes to keep to herself. Despite her quietness, Arianna is very good looking and attracts a lot of the company employees; in fact she has been approached by many to get a higher-end position within the company, but of course there was something in it for them and she happily turned them down. Arianna has been dating Joey King for three weeks. They have been going well and vague, and she's awaiting for the moment he 'asks to go steady'. She fell head over heels for his accent when he got the job and they clicked ever since! Will Arianna get her answer during the lockdown? Will Arianna's insecurities get the best of her?
4008 days 23 hours ago
Meet Nathan Davis, 22 and one of the many members of marketing. His job is to come up with creative ideas to put the company out there and make it more relate-able to the target clientèle. He's always been quite shy, and that's not very common amongst the world of business. You have to be confident to be able to take rejections and sell yourself to big companies and big names! He grew up in Washington, DC and took a marketing course in college – thus graduating with honours. So how did Nathan get the job? His uncle is the founder of Glass Finity LTD. He remembers being young and seeing tons of papers on his uncle's desk with different services and ideas, he never really understood it until today; Glass Finity is a mastermind and  mothership for the business world. Nathan feels like he can't speak properly to Bove the new intern and notices he pushes him and Vanessa over a lot – he just can't come to stand up to Bove. He has also had a little crush on most female employees – what he hasn't said is his connection to the company. Will Nathan find himself alone at the company, and crumble to an end? Or will Nathan be able to come through and take some leadership during the lockdown?
4008 days 18 hours ago
Meet Nicole Grant, 22 also known as Nikki around the offices of Glass Finity. She is the main receptionist and secretary for Briana's team's branch. Everything goes through her before it goes in or out of the company. Nicole hasn't been working very long in the company as she recently replaced 50 year old Gertrude a month ago. She is on the ball so far, that everyone knows – realistically she is the most irresponsible person on the planet! She has lost some papers but always manages to get things back and work it off smoothly, nicely done Nicole. She really likes her personal team of Rachel, Justin and Jason – she feels like they are a second family. She can go to them with anything, and lately she has had her eyes on Jason and Bove, new intern. Nikki is a flirt and admits it, using it to her advantage of course. Will Nicole feel safe and keep sane during the lockdown? How will Nicole react when the temperature just gets too damn cold inside the company?
4008 days 18 hours ago
Meet Joey King, 21 and a HR manager for Glass Finity LTD. His job is to take care of everyone on the company, now he is in charge of Brianna's branch [which is the whole cast], and he talks with so many people a day solving issues, that he can't put one name to one face. He has had his job for a year now and is proud, his people's skills are incredible and the last thing he wants to do when he Is home is socialise with anyone, so he follows his routine of dinner, shower, bed. Joey has been dating Arianna for three weeks now and really likes her, but dealing with people everyday of his life at the company makes him sort of sick having to talk to anyone outside the job. He knows what he feels for Arianna but is not sure he can take it up another level just yet. Will Joey rush into anything when on lockdown? Will he manage to survive the cold temperatures?
4008 days 17 hours ago
Meet Rachel Aban, 21 and a very strong, devious, powerful woman in the company. She is the head-secretary for the branch and knows her ways around. With her 22nd birthday coming up, Rachel is putting her priorities ahead of her work. Piling up work on other secretaries, especially on the intern Justin – and planning her birthday which is this weekend to be exact. She grew up with both foster parents, and has enjoyed being the centre of attention due to being awarded with awards in high school. She thinks that all girls are out to get her if she is not bbf's with them. The world does revolve around Rachel, for her that is. She ain't afraid to flirt until she drops, married, single, divorced, widow.. she gets them all! She is a tiger!Will Rachel go nuts when she can't get to her own party due to the lockdown? Will Rachel find her equal half?
4008 days 17 hours ago
Meet Justin Dover, 21 and one of oldest, most kept around interns of Glass Finity LTD. He keeps quiet a lot, but gets work done – a lot of it. He is bisexual and has hidden that fact from all employees, he knows the business world is quite cruel; but he feels Glass Finity is his home. He hasn't gotten a position in the company yet, but he can feel it very close. He's been an intern for a year after all! He tries to use his charm to get ladies, or guys but it doesn't seem to work. He highly envies Bove – who easily manipulates, and Jason who flirts so simply like the blink of an eye! Will Justin be able to survive the lockdown? Or will Justin meet with his destiny and worst nightmare?
4008 days 17 hours ago
Meet Missy Damius, 20 and one of the youngest employees of Glass Finity LTD. Also, one of the luckiest – her job in the company is logo, slogan designer and she has to constantly be creative. She is also a leader and has taken Simon under her wing easily. She knows what it feels like being one of the youngest and shows him around; but she has her prices, being the commander, he does as she says. Being determined and honest are the main qualities you'll find within Missy if she lets you know her well enough. She is constantly quiet but when she speaks, she sends her team to their full potential. She constantly bumps heads with Ariana who she finds a real air head and doesn't understand why she is in the company, but being her boss she obeys what she says. She was formerly the assistant of the HR manager Joey, then got her own job in a new section of the company. Will Missy make plans to keep everyone together and sane? Will Missy come out on top, or will the cold temperatures get to her first?
4008 days 2 hours ago
Meet Simon Corr, 17 and the youngest intern – after Brianna that is; to work at Glass Finity LTD. He has gained a quick position due to being a very intelligent individual. He is not below genius level like Jason but he is doing his first year of university at the time balanced with high school and working at Glass Finity. Simon has gone to Missy & Ariana's team due to being so smart, he does a few law things here and there, but also helps out with the creative side of things. He is bi-curious and finds some men and women delicious in the company. He is actually Irish and moved to the USA like any other person – to make it big! When he was turned down in various places he placed all his hope on this company, and to his surprise got an internship. Simon's a country side boy, he is all home-like to everyone else. Simon feels that he connects with Missy, but personally knows she is not looking for any type of relationship romantically. So will Simon find a peaceful state of mind during the lockdown? Will Simon be the least home-like person in the company when temperatures drop ridiculously? Will Simon manage to keep his sanity?

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