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Topic » Saundra

3252 days 7 hours ago
3252 days 7 hours ago
Shady and I are basically setting up an alliance. Wouldn't be shocked if he's trying it with everyone but w/e I'll take what I can get right now

Addidas and the person beginning with R in my clan are both talking to me

The one beginning with R said "you have so much potential because no one expects you to backstab them", which I found interesting.

Mike, Ice, Zed and whatever the hell the other ones name is can all go home.

Coming online and not adding a vulnerable girl like me. I'm sorry but in what world do they not make it a priority to include all tribe members?

That's fine I'll just look extra hard for the idol and make sure one goes early so I can laugh at them. Then at swap I'll #KhaosSaundra the hell outta this game. Renegade is probably trying to play me by talking but at least he's trying! The others must feel far too superior for they own good, whereas this guy knows you've got to talk to others to last long in the game.

Ice is friends with those annoying people who always act cocky. She's such a Kandi and I'm Mama Joyce. Also Robbyjak needs to go early, He's obsessed with challenges and called himself "heart throb". Like what?

Tit faced bastards

How the hell does Noah keep surviving everything. If he was the Noah thousands of years ago all them animals would be drowned :( seriously he's so dumb

Now my clan lost a member and Awsuum helped vote him out I guess

Was gonna post "NOOOOOOOOO :( MY CROSS TRIBAL </3" but thought it would seal my fate as first Fei Long boot.

With Joel, Tony and Shady

Shady said he'd get Joel to flip
Joel said he had no allies

They both claim responsibility for pulling in the other to me... I'm just like ^_^ wow thanks

Feel bad because there ain't no one on the tribe I desperately want out. I've thought of a plan how I could blindside Tony or Joel. But... I don't think I'd risk it yet. I really wish we had Robby, Mike, Ice, Zed, KidA here so I could enjoy voting them out :( or Biblical Noah

Joel is playing the game. Thank God. He's trying sweet talk me and get me on his side which is fine. I'm going to play the victim who needs help and spill some info. Told him that it was so boring at Fei long and no one talked... Which is the truth... That way he could see me as an asset... Whereas if I'm caught out for this I just say to the others "lol I didn't do anything I said nothing happened to throw him off clearly"...

But it's a relief to know he's trying and he's come to Mama Chocolate to get his knowledge. Also Shady says he can flip Joel... Shady also wanted me to send him the idol clues which I did ... His reaction when it was just numbers was fun. ^_^ mwah

"Yay we're still together! woohoo!"

Wow Tony that's great, when did you suddenly decide to start talking and mailing me?

I bet im so outta the loop in this game... I just cant accept that my tribe was too laid back to not strategize. Honestly I know I'm not winning this thing but I want to cause as much damage as I can. Before talking to anyone my target is Joel just so I can take out some of Wu Zeitans numbers... he hasn't added me yet so that'll be his punishment... I kinda wanna take out my entire tribe though just because they all didn't bother talking to my needy self... then there's Awwsuum who took out my potential cross tribal in Addidas (we bonded over me having a child and liking Orange is the new black)

Also idk if anyone remembers im immune yet so *twirls*
3252 days 7 hours ago
Courtney could side with Joel later on... But I personally don't care about that right now

Awwsum voted out a clan member so clearly won't show loyalty to me just for that... Also he has a chance of finding my idol so I need to kick his ass out the damn way. I just need to convince the others to vote him I ghess. Which I don't think will be that hard

I vote for Awwsum :/

Anyway this is so awkward I'm literally having the longest chat with Awwsum and I need to get him to vote Courtney. I honestly wanted to get his vote on Joel, Shady or Tony because I think they're bigger threats but I suppose I gotta be loyal. Shady didn't hide the fact he spoke to Awwsum earlier (Awwsum told me and Shady later admitted when I confronted him about it)

idk... im immune right now so idgaf what happens because I don't know who I want to work with... Awwsum going could be bad because he's in the clan and I want that special idol now... hmmm. My gut told me to get rid of him so I threw his name out, so I'll listen to the gut?

That Courtney suspects a unanimous vote, she's in talks with the others and must assume she's got the same deal I have. Thankfully I don't have to worry about nothing because I've got my necklace ... She supposedly wants Shady out... so idk if she's talking to him... but something seems fake about how she talks

I think Joel wants to be the big gameplayer much more than he is... and probably tries to manipulate for the sake of it... which ultimately is letting him into the power position... his days are numbered and I guarantee I'll be here longer than him...

Shady basically tells me the truth which is nice. he repeated everything to me that Courtney says he said to her ... didn't hide anything. I am concerned about the Joel and Shady duo though... Im pretty sure they've played together before

Tony doesnt seem interested to hold strong opinions right now. But he definately seems to folow Shady and Joel. I think its more likely he'll pick them over me...

Thankfully I have my hidden immunity idol... which I hopefully don't have to use until merge

The merge is horrible. I cant mail like 7/13 people here and its so fucking stupid because even if I make the end which isn't happening now theres so many of us... they wont vote me to win because I didn't talk to them...


Im trying to use Shady to do what I want because he's all ive got... Tony isn't strategic and I cant trust him to do shit. Joel is shady but we need him now.

Wish that new tribe was correct so I could've got Mike, Ice, Fobby or KidA out. -_-

Mike is now an interesting figure in the game, we assume he's alone and that means he could be a great extra vote... or he's the perfect first boot to go after... like an Alina... someone who nobody is going to miss

I want to get Fobby out I guess. KidA and Renegade are more likely to give me their jury votes whereas Fobby is an unknown to me. Also Fobby seems to be much smarter than KidA, so there's that.

I'm vomiting at everyone trying to be funny with their tribe names... like in Morocco it was funny... here its like everyone thinks they're hilarious by naming an ex player or saying "(their name)'s bitches"... like quiet all of you

Ice needs to like leave too she basically copies everything I do and then has the audacity not to add me as a friend. I dont know what game she's playing but I find her to be a socially aggressive odd ball.
3252 days 7 hours ago
Me days ago: "Mike voted in the minority... he is friends with Zed and that means he's not with them"

Me today: "Mike could be a stray vote for us to pick up guys... I think we should talk to him as a group"

Shady 30 mins later: "Speaking to Mike now. He told me he's in the minority and didn't vote with them."

-_- So I basically get all the shit right and want to be involved in talking to the person I suggested... then he does it because I cant and now he'll get all the credit for it.

Different alliances ive been offered

Renegade does his/her contrived "I'm so happy you made it here" then we talk game. Says she would happily take my offer of me, Shady and Joel joining up with them ... Them being Wu Zeitan

Then Shady, Tony and supposedly Joel want to get with Mike and Zhan Hun (run by Andrea) to take out old Wu Zeitan

Then Daniel is setting up his secret alliance. I told Shady don't trust him because he's friends with Chris (who messaged me saying get rid of Joel and Shady)... Shady says I shouldn't worry ... Then my thoughts are confirmed because Chris tried to set up an alliance between me, Renegade, Fobby, KidA and himself... Plus Daniel ^_^

IM in such a dangerous position now being with all these conflicting groups so I'll keep my head down

The one person I would've had an easier time getting out is now immune ugh...

Wu Zeitan alliance + Chris and Daniels thing is dangerous. Renegade clearly wants to work with "Scott", KidA, Joel... its such a dangerous group

I don't trust Shady and Joel that much and don't think they're strong enough to grab hold of Andrea and the Zhan Hu people

idk what the eff im going to do but as long as its not me... this first tribal will help work out where the line is drawn, and then I'll figure out which side I want to play with.

After the whole Mike thing Ive spoken with Andrea and we came to the agreement to get Renegade out and if it turns sour we'll pin the blame on "the boys"

After this I let Shady know and 10 mins later he goes "Oh I just spoke to Andrea I think I've got her with us"

Like I sometimes feel he will claim he did things which I helped set up. I hope he'll give me some credit because yes he was involved and had to be the mouthpiece (because Andrea is above adding people), but I was involved in the decision making too.

I might have to blindside him as soon as we've got the numbers, he's becoming a big threat.

My biggest upset right now is how im going to win at the FTC because I know backstabbing Shady and Renegade is happening and idk how i'll get around it... unless I pick a side now and let the other take out one so I don't get any blood on my hands like I've been doing for a while.

I suppose right now I'm with Renegade which is hilarious but I know he has the special powers idol (he told me, he told me about his other idol too before :x... i'm saying nothing about my idol)
I seem to have got the others to target Fobby which is great, and moreover I've convinced Renegade that Fobby needs to go, and Renegade agrees to "give Fobby to the wolves"... I like his cutthroat attitude.

I do worry about how I'll win as my FTC speech was originally going to be me coming clean as a two timer, but right now I feel that it would just piss people off. Tony, Andrea, Dra, Chris are my main choices to take to the end... I just need to pick which 2 it'll be because I feel I'm playing better than all of them.
3252 days 7 hours ago
Think I just talked Renegade out of playing that idol on Fobby... that could've been bad because that would mean next round there's a 5-5 split and Im right in the middle and I couldn't go on playing both sides... think ive convinced him to let Fobby go and next round we take out Joel, which he wants to do too.

If the idol was played I had this backup plan where I'd try and have an idol played on Joel to protect him, negative Fobby and Joel votes, then I'd vote for Renegade and cause a 1-1 tie hopefully and we'd send Renegade home on the revote (whilst I passed the blame onto Dra for flipping)... but I couldn't guarantee Id get the ZH idol on Joel... so I was considering anonymously leaving my idol on Joels possession saying to play it... but I want to keep my idol for me.. and I want it to be fabulous when I whip it out my bag. Then again there's that part of me that really needs Joel out of here in order to benefit my own game. Each move is a risk for me at this point.

It is so fucking frustrating that the side I want to work with in this game are idiots. You've got Daniel bidding on a useless immunity necklace that he really didn't need... Shady spending his whole time arguing not accepting the first come first served... KingGeek taking forever to bid on anything... Andrea fucking self voting herself out of the game... Then the other side are actually smarter people who I could work with much easier but I dont want to... I want to win this game and I'll do that sitting at the FTC with Tony, Geek, Daniel, Dra or Chris... Tonight its going to be so tricky flipping but its now or never... Ugh stupid people ruining my game :( !!!
3252 days 7 hours ago
You've got Renegade, the one who has the underdog status, which basically guarantees him the win if he makes it to the end regardless of whether he was the best player. I like him, but I cant go much further with him. KidA has no game whatsoever... Chris is a wannabe villain who faked his score somehow because his version of the game has a black boarder that the rest of us didn't have... KingGeek flipped which makes no logical sense.

Then there's Shady ... he's cool

Tony doesnt do much

Daniel decides to speak to me for the first time all game asking for help. I subtly hint ill help... he ignores the mail

Dumbasses I swear I actually dislike these people and im not even joking or playing up. They're actually all so silly and a Renegade win would be their fault because no one seems to have the logical mindset to vote someone like that out.

Shady going isn't bad as I've been thinking how I can get rid of him eventually... but I would rather he stayed because I do enjoy our chats and he is like a friend to me.

Question: Is it possible to anonymously leave an idol in someone elses possession with a note?

I'm sorry that your mother drank whilst she was pregnant :( its clearly effected you in some horrible way and I wish you the best of luck. Maybe Obamacare will do wonders for you idk?
> Excuse me I'm not dumb enough to show all my cards to some worthless piece of shit like you. Tell me a couple things that you've actually done in this game.
>> Ummm once again you're not making any sense. How I'm playing? Lmao ok then how am I playing?
>> Screenshots... Uh.... what?
>> Im with Wu Zeitan? Ok... but how does that make me a liar? Care to explain or not because obviously you know my game so know who I'm with etc.
>> Don't think you really "fucked Chris" considering he still holds the respect of the other players and is in the majority... You're... well.. not
>> Lie to everyones face? Mmhm yep
>> Until you bother explaining yourself you'll continue to remain an embarrassment because you're trying to make a point here and not backing it up with any factual knowledge.
>>> You're welcome you think you're a smart player in this game but I'm 90% sure everyone knows how your playing. Using screenshots is pretty fucking pitiful as in the real game you can't have a goddamn tape recorder for every convo to explain what happened. It's obvious your with this wu zetian shit and it'll show again in this vote. Yeah I fucked chris but I didn't lie to the guys face like you do to every person but it's not going to work, not anymore. Gl finding votes with that fuck boy attitude
>>>> You're the biggest fucking snake in this game and everyone says it. Chris thinks you're with him then it turns out you screwed him, Shady thinks you're with him then you screw him. If I know whats best for me? Please... you're the biggest joke. And posh? Oh my goodness you're an amusing one
>>>>> Firstly yes, both sides are shitty but I've never flipped without consoling my alliance about it. With all these idols and shit well as the votes aren't there I have to vote shady. Secondly don't act posh and take a whole 3 paragraphs to say i'm not telling you my vote. Really my goodness, it would be in your best interest to vote me out if you know whats best for you
>>>>>> You gotta just make up your own mind tonight. From what Ive heard you're apparently more with Shady and going after Fobby.
>>>>>> I mean both sides are concerned with you bcause you've flipped back and forth...
>>>>>> Shady wants you with him so you can go after Wu Zeitans final 4 alliance with
3252 days 7 hours ago
I better win this damn game I've worked my butt off.

Daniel is coming to the end for being so awful... he tried to get me out at F4 with Chris and both are now in their strange panic mode in which im forced to grill them

Tony might go for simply being the nice guy who had game...

But im worried people will stupidly think Chris was a gameplayer
3252 days 7 hours ago
I honestly feel awful about my bitch fits earlier in the game in confessionals where I slated other players. I think it was just heat of the moment. I actually really like Shady, Tony and Renegade and think they're all great guys. Most of the others I'm impartial on... or they're called Chris and Daniel... two of the strangest most delusional people ever! :x

All in all I hope I win as I'm the most deserving of the three in my mind, and the only people I'd be happy to win over me would be Renegade or Shady, but considering they're both on the jury its #TeamMum right now.
3252 days 7 hours ago
Jury thoughts. I think its going well? Im so glad people are listening and actually seem to get me. Fobby and Renegade both wrote well written questions. I mean Renegades speech actually strangely made me emotional.

I've really loved this game, and if I don't win at least I get to take away the experience and the knowledge I've received from these great players.

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