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SurvivorFan37's Game File

Topic » SurvivorFan37's Game File

3680 days 8 hours ago
All of SurvivorFan37's confessionals and most mail logs will be posted here.
3680 days 8 hours ago
Thoughts on the cast

AJ/Jflora18 - Close ally and always my ally in group games, I hope we're on the same tribe.

Andrea/IceIceBaby - She usually includes me in alliances of some sort, but gets voted out too early to see how the season would've played out if we both stuck around long term.  Wouldn't mind being on her tribe either.

Bear/Bearpatrol - A BEAR to try and communicate with. 

Brittany/LaFierceBrittany2 - Don't know him/her.

Cole/Cole91 - "He annoys me greatly"

Dave/Dfalc7 - No

J-Wiz/Joeker - I hope I'm on his tribe because we were allies in Eritrea until we got flipped on, and he's a beast at challenges.

John/Jxhn - Don't know him but he seems like a nooby gamebot

Mearl/Mearl - Isn't he like 30 and still playing tengaged??????

Michael/PeaceOut14 - Idk how I feel about him

Ryan/Wangifold - I'm sure he'd align with me, but I have no idea if we'll be on the same tribe or not.

Sackeshi/Sackeshi - LMFAO

Sam/SamSam14 - Don't know him.

Sean/Renegade628 - YES SHAWN.  I always get voted out and our alliances always fail, but never fails to have my back.

Tyson/Bryjow123 - I have him filtered and TMod has threatened to ban him for harassing me numerous times.  No further comments.

Will/SurvivorFan37 - LOVE this guy.  GREAT game player, AWESOME sense of humor, always active and at challenges.  NEVER annoys ANYONE at all!
3679 days 16 hours ago
Convo with Bear & SurvivorFan:

hiya tribe mate
Hey tring to make contact with everyone on the tribe since ive not heard from anyone

We're in the same boat, nobody has contacted me, either. How's it going?

Hey man, beginning to think we are out of the

Me too, there could be an alliance already that we don't know about.
3679 days 4 hours ago
Convo with Joeker & SurvivorFan:

You up for voting out inactive Brittany?

sure y not nobody else said anything to me

Awesome! :D

tell ur friends to not vote me if we lose at all honestly if Sackeshi gets a higher placing than me ill go boom at the min

Trust me Sackeshi is next to go and I don't think there needs to be debate on that one lol
3679 days 4 hours ago
I guess people worship Joe because he's good at Survivor when it's really blatantly obvious there's a majority alliance I'm not a part of.  Thank God for the idol twist and my immunity, I can guarantee myself another couple days if I think I need to.

I'm just going to tell Joe in as subtle a way as possible that I really don't care who leaves as long as it isn't me, hopefully they'll see that and keep me.  If I can survive a few more votes and we win immunities, I'll be at the merge and it's a whole new ball game.
3678 days 18 hours ago
Convo with Bear & SurvivorFan:

hey Just got home trying to catch up on the game. Congrats on immunity

Thanks, and I think there's definitely an alliance we aren't included in. I kinda played dumb though and Joeker assured me that Sackeshi will go next as soon as we lose immunity. Hopefully he's telling the truth.

Have you talked to sackeshi, wonder who he is voting
3678 days 4 hours ago
Convo with Bear & SurvivorFan:

So ive been thinking, after that last tribal it appears sack is going next. No one is really talking about long term thou so that has me worried. You interested in watching each others backs. Alot of these guys have each other on their friends list, so im sure they are working together to some degree. Would love to have someone on my side.

Of course I'm good with that.
It may be best for us to use our idols in case they try to Blindside one of us, though. We'll just have to play it by ear and make sure Sackeshi is the one leaving and not one of us.
3677 days 16 hours ago
Convo with Renegade & SurvivorFan:

has literally no one else talked to you?

Nobody at all, bear said "Hello" and that's it

I can't really get a good read on the tribe. But from what I've been hearing your name hasn't come up as a target yet. If it does I'll let you know, but hopefully we don't lose anymore and don't have to find out.

No offense but when I hear "hopefully we don't lose" that's usually code for "hey pal, you're next."

Well, I don't want you to go, but I'm not sure about everyone else. This would be easier if Sackeshi were sane. I've got your back, though, just trust me.
3677 days 16 hours ago
Convo with Joeker & SurvivorFan:

You up for blindsiding Sack of shit?

BYE BYE ZOEY (Sackeshi doesn't rhyme)

Sackeshi doesn't deserve to rhyme with anything
3677 days 4 hours ago
Convo with Bear & SurvivorFan:

If we lose again we are gonna have to watch each others backs, pretty sure the other four are together.
3673 days 13 hours ago
Convo with Jflora & SurvivorFan:

Do you want to talk about Gaia's Survivor because if we go to tribal something is going to have happen. You agree?

Yeah, definitely.  Who do you want to see gone next? I'm worried it could be me. I haven't heard much.

Who are your biggest threats in this tribe?

Well, I'm really not sure anybody has much of an opinion of me. I've only played a Survivor with Joeker once, and he was voted before we even got a chance to really talk.  Shawn seems nice, haven't heard anything from Dave.  Bear has said hello to me.  So I'm not really sure who to approach
3673 days 13 hours ago
Convo with Bear & SurvivorFan:

hey will
Seems like the others might be cracking some, maybe we arent as in much trouble as we thought. Im watching out for you hope your doing the same for me.

I am as well.  I talked to AJ and he asked me about my general thoughts on the people on the tribe - I said you told me hello and seemed nice, so it wouldn't look like we were aligned.  I told him I would choose Dave to be voted off if I had to, though I'm not really set on that.  I think if we lose we could break the others up, but I really hope we can keep this winning streak going as long as possible.

Yeah we need people to thinkthat we arent working together, only way we can get info and keep each other safe

I'll keep talking to AJ, are you talking with anybody?  If they mention a name that isn't you or me I'd be happy to go with it.

Aj sent me a message I replied. Havent heard back. Same here man. As long as we are safe I dont care who goes
3667 days 21 hours ago
Convo with Bear & SurvivorFan:

Are u okay with voting renagaded?
If so then it would be prob
2 votes joeker
2 votes renagaded
2 votes either you or me im guessing

ugh, should we play our idols just to be safe? I guess the best option is to vote renegade and hope it works?

Im gonna vote renegade, I think joeker is be good of a player not to play is idol. I havent decided if im playing my ido, yet. Prob a good idea thou.
3655 days 19 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & SurvivorFan:

I'll forfeit immunity If you keep my name off any votes this tribal

Done, I'll do my utmost not to let anyone vote for you

3654 days 3 hours ago
Convo with Bear & SurvivorFan:

hey. Been super busy and havent been active in gaias game, thought id see if you were still wanting to work together

Of course, although i haven't really been trying and don't know the alliances at all
3647 days 3 hours ago
Convo with Bear & SurvivorFan:

will I need you back in this game....

Trying my best to win.
Make sure you, Joe, and Dave stay safe and hopefully I'll be back to give us numbers at Final 6!

I already think they have made comments to the dark

Well, I'm going to do my best to win the last redemption duel and get back in the game, you work on not getting sent to redemption and we'll try and get to the end from there.  I'm confident we can swing it!

Rumor has it they are voting me tonight but I still have a trick or oh and my idol

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