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Wangifold's Game File

Topic » Wangifold's Game File

3674 days 12 hours ago
All of Wangifold's confessionals and most mail logs will be posted here.
3674 days 5 hours ago
Convo With Cole, PeaceOut, Jxhn, Wangifold, & Mearl:

Hey Guys!
Honestly, the rest of the tribe is pretty shady guys who I'm sure none of us can ever trust because they are notorious villains. Can us five all agree to put away our differences and work together? :P

LOL we should ask Gaia to rename our tribe "villains" because we are evil motherfuckets

lol agreed. I hate being on the same tribe as people like Andrea and Derek though :/

I totally agree. I mean I think we all know what's what in terms of the people we're with and if we want to go the distance we kind of have to trust each other.

sweet. Lets just make the others feel safe so we don't have to worry about their idols lol

I agree to this :D

I appreciate the inclusion and this sounds good to me. I was busy last night but now im set to go, sorry for the slow reply
3673 days 8 hours ago
Alright so I've decided to not be an inactive bitch this season! First confessional of many and boy is my tribe a shit storm. Toke about villains, I could mistake this for an All-Star quality villain tribe. We have the "Assholes" Cole and Derek, the "drama slut" Andrea, and the "Cold-hearted strategist" Mearl. Jake and Mike are flops, and John is more of a hero, so that's kind of where the analogy falls apart, but you get the gist. So initially on seeing my tribe I freaked the fuck out because I was like O.o holy shit I'm going to be targeted for not being the huge threat, but someone you don't want to keep around for too long because people are aware of my strategical prowess ;).

Lucky for me, Cole comes up to four of us (me, Mearl, Michael, John) right after the tribes are announced and initiates a "No Bullshit, let's stick together and fuck the other three up alliance" and so that's a thing and we get to work pretty fast on satiating the other three so that they don't play their idols and fuck us over.

So the plan for tonight is to take out king douchepin Derek, but we're a bit worried about Derek playing his idol, so people have been working on convincing Derek and Jake to vote for Andrea so that even if Derek plays his idol then Andrea will still go home and not one of the five. This vote is going to be crucial in determining where people lie within the tribe, and I can only hope it's with me ;)
3673 days 8 hours ago
Convo with Wangifold & IceIceBaby:

Hey boo x
Do you want to work together in Chris's game?

Yes! Lmao, I'm most probably a target this tribal so I played my idol. If you want to vote together then I voted Mearl

Why not Derek? He's a fucking prick
3673 days 5 hours ago
Convo with Wangifold & IceIceBaby:

I'm getting mad vibes I'm getting blindsided
Can you ask Derek/Jake about it?

I haven't spoke to anyone. I doubt I would be able to swing votes. Plus if you feel if you're getting blindsided then use your idol.
3672 days 12 hours ago
Well, this tribe of misfits just lost a hero...

Mike was a quality ally, and it sucks that he got idoled out like that. As you can see from his out-of-line remarks at tribal, Derek is truly just an asshole, and honestly it's my number one prioirity to try and get him out. Luckily, my alliance feels the same way, the only tricky part will be dealing with Jakes idol. Hopefully I can convince him that Derek is not worth wasting that idol and that he's far better off voting Derek out anyways.
3672 days 12 hours ago
Convo with Mearl, Wangifold, Cole, & Jxhn:

I tried talking Derek into targeting andrea but he's being stubborn about it and wants to take out Ryan or cole next which he won't hant votes for. He wants to try to get John and me to vote with him and jake

Lol i tried too and he said he wants to vote you out Mearl.... regardless, think we can make it look like Jake is going next and then blindside Derek? Or should we play it safe and vote Andrea out

Andrea seems pretty receptive to working with us
3672 days 12 hours ago
Convo with Wangifold & Jake:

Ok jake I know you don't know me that well, and I know you'll probably just end up telling what I say here back to Derek but please here me out.
Derek is a BULLY. He takes every game too far and makes personal attacks on people in a game that's supposed to be for FUN! All I'm asking is you consider how that's not good for anyone's game because it takes away from the aspect that we came on this site to have fun and play around with friends. With Derek in this game, I can't do that.
If you would even consider voting him out next, I would be so grateful towards you.
3670 days 7 hours ago
Convo with Cole, Mearl, Wangifold, & Jxhn:

So what's the plan? lol
PS: I'm using my idol tonight. Carrying it around only puts a target on me that I really don't need lol

Dont use it, we may need it at a merge or tribe swap (well its up to you, thats just my thought)
>What if we split the votes?
3 of us vote Jake, 1 of us votes Derek. Tell andrea to vote derek. Tell Jake to vote Derek too.
If andrea backstabs us then theyd likely use idol to save Derek but jake would leave instead, if shes loyal then either jake leaves (if he doesnt vote andrea) or derek does. Thoughts?

I like that too Mearl! I'm good with whatever y'all wanna do

lol okay. well lets just all agree on something though, you know?
3670 days 5 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & Wangifold:

We need to talk
Who do you trust most in this game
3669 days 23 hours ago
Convo with Mearl, IceIceBaby, Jxhn, & Wangifold:

Let's get on The same page
Gonna just lay it all out there. I've had conversations with you guys on what went down last night, besides Ryan since he did not answer my mail (how rude).
Cole is flipping to work with Derek and Jake. He told me to vote with them as well to vote out Ryan which i hve been working on preventing. However he told Andrea to vote John. So he is voting one of us out and trying to throw votes around. There is a chance an idol will be played on Derek since they know that's how we are voting.
So if we want to solidify a 4 we have majority. I took a risk by talkin to you guys about this today because you are the people I want to work with. So what are your thoughts?

If they expect us to vote Derek then why don't we just vote Cole?
If he wants to flip on us then we royally screw him over and send his ass out of this game.

Either him or jake. We can split 2-2 on derek next vote if one of them still has an idol
I'll do whoever
3669 days 20 hours ago
Convo with Cole, Wangifold, IceIceBaby, & Jxhn:

I wanted to talk to you guys privately. Mearl, Derek, and Jake came to me about blindsided Ryan tonight. They wanted me to get on board with it. I thought about it, and realized how stupid that is. So I'm playing my idol on myself tonight. However I'm voting out Derek. I don't want to align with three of the biggest players on tengaged (mearl, derek, and jakehou) and I'm sure none of you guys do too. Let alone if all three of them make the merge, it'll be a scary ass game.
So lets take out those who threats one by one. The four of us may not have the best history together, but we'd be stupid to not to align and try to get rid of these threats. You guys on board?

You sure this isn't no attempt to blindside my ass?

Andrea, we may never like each other as players. And I'll be the first to admit that I'm a sneaky son of a bitch. But this is me being real right now. Look at who we are facing. Do you really think that any of us should be targeting each other when the three of them are the biggest threats in the game: Physically and Strategically? I don't know about you, but I would rather watch them eliminate each other at redemption island so that come merge we only have to worry about one of them, if that. Know what I mean?

Ok, But I already sent my vote in for Derek so we can vote him.

Derek it is. but next we have to worry about Mearl. If we can pit those two against each other on RI, only one big physical threat will come back into the game

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