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Cole91's Game File

Topic » Cole91's Game File

3681 days 15 hours ago
All of Cole91's confessionals and most mail logs will be posted here.
3681 days 15 hours ago
Convo With Cole, PeaceOut, Jxhn, Wangifold, & Mearl:

Hey Guys!
Honestly, the rest of the tribe is pretty shady guys who I'm sure none of us can ever trust because they are notorious villains. Can us five all agree to put away our differences and work together? :P

LOL we should ask Gaia to rename our tribe "villains" because we are evil motherfuckets

lol agreed. I hate being on the same tribe as people like Andrea and Derek though :/

I totally agree. I mean I think we all know what's what in terms of the people we're with and if we want to go the distance we kind of have to trust each other.

sweet. Lets just make the others feel safe so we don't have to worry about their idols lol

I agree to this :D
3681 days 8 hours ago
Convo With Cole, PeaceOut, Jxhn, Wangifold, & Mearl:

Hey Guys!
Honestly, the rest of the tribe is pretty shady guys who I'm sure none of us can ever trust because they are notorious villains. Can us five all agree to put away our differences and work together? :P

LOL we should ask Gaia to rename our tribe "villains" because we are evil motherfuckets

lol agreed. I hate being on the same tribe as people like Andrea and Derek though :/

I totally agree. I mean I think we all know what's what in terms of the people we're with and if we want to go the distance we kind of have to trust each other.

sweet. Lets just make the others feel safe so we don't have to worry about their idols lol

I agree to this :D

I appreciate the inclusion and this sounds good to me. I was busy last night but now im set to go, sorry for the slow reply
3680 days 10 hours ago
Well coming into this season I IMMEDIATELY hated it. Not your fault completely, just what you did  with the twists and who you put in it. Everybody knows Mearl is one of the strongest physical players in tengaged. And you put Redemption Island in play.....on top of that you gave him an idol so that if and when he returns, he gets to fuck us with it. Taking Mearl out this season is going to be like trying to kill Death!

Anyhow, Mearl is not the person I want out first. I have bigger fish to fry... Like Derek. He's not necessarily a bigger threat, but he's a pain in my ass that I really don't want around. Since I have immunity, I don't have to worry about playing my idol tonight. I can save it for a different night. It also means, I don't have to be afraid of Derek which is bloody awesome!!! So yeah, fuck Derek! He's going down...even if he doesn't go home tonight I told him that me, jake, mearl, and him should all vote out Andrea. That way, no matter what one of the two people I hate most goes home tonight...

Also, I made an alliance with Ryan, Mearl, Michael, and John. I don't trust Ryan, and I REALLY don't want to work with Mearl however these are the only group of people I think I could get on board for voting out Derek. Derek seems close to Jake, and Andrea hates my guts after I blindsided her in Libya and Drago's Oman. So my options are limited at the moment. For now, I'll row with these bitches. In the end though, my one and only true alliance is with Joe. We are the Dynamic Duo. Every time I play, I always have one strategy before the game even begins: Find Someone, One Person Only, To Completely Trust And Run The Game With. Having a duo in a season makes all the difference. The three group games I've won in the past, I've always had somebody as my right hand man. Danaan in Libya, Oliver in Greece, and Adam in Lindsey's Survivor. Hell, if I win Chastain, It'll be Nathan in that one. So me and Joe are going to run this game. Our goal is to get a pre-made alliance we made before the tribe's were revealed!

Myself, Joe, Michael, Aj, and Sean. Feel like I'm missing somebody, but yeah. That's our cross tribe alliance right there. If we all make the merge, we are golden :P
3679 days 21 hours ago
Well shit...Damn, I can't believe Michael is gone. Poor guys was robbed. I was SOOOO gonna throw a vote towards Jake, and now I wish I did. I was even thinking about using my idol on Michael.

Anyways, I'm still planning on working with this five person alliance that was made first night. Derek may of survived tonight, but he won't survive another...
3679 days 15 hours ago
Convo with Mearl, Wangifold, Cole, & Jxhn:

I tried talking Derek into targeting andrea but he's being stubborn about it and wants to take out Ryan or cole next which he won't hant votes for. He wants to try to get John and me to vote with him and jake

Lol i tried too and he said he wants to vote you out Mearl.... regardless, think we can make it look like Jake is going next and then blindside Derek? Or should we play it safe and vote Andrea out

Andrea seems pretty receptive to working with us
3678 days 23 hours ago
Convo with Mearl, Cole, & IceIceBaby:

Hopefully others will show up next time too or else we'll have to carry this tribe. Good job guys

lol you guys scored, I didn't really score for us. But good job!

At least you showed up :)

lol true.
3677 days 10 hours ago
Convo with Cole, Mearl, Wangifold, & Jxhn:

So what's the plan? lol
PS: I'm using my idol tonight. Carrying it around only puts a target on me that I really don't need lol

Dont use it, we may need it at a merge or tribe swap (well its up to you, thats just my thought)
>What if we split the votes?
3 of us vote Jake, 1 of us votes Derek. Tell andrea to vote derek. Tell Jake to vote Derek too.
If andrea backstabs us then theyd likely use idol to save Derek but jake would leave instead, if shes loyal then either jake leaves (if he doesnt vote andrea) or derek does. Thoughts?

I like that too Mearl! I'm good with whatever y'all wanna do

lol okay. well lets just all agree on something though, you know?
3677 days 7 hours ago
Confessional: The Big Mouth, The Threat, And The Bully

So this tribe is a fucking cluster fuck. I hate hate hate hate it... You managed to put me on a tribe with all of my worst enemies and none of my friends. I mean sure, TECHNICALLY Derek is a friend and so is Ryan, but we can never fully trust each other for some reason. And Derek and Ryan can't STAND each other lol.

So the "alliance" of myself, Mearl, Ryan, and John is to vote out Jake but throw some votes Derek's way just in case. However, I don't like this plan at all. One, I don't trust Ryan. Two, I hate aligning with Mearl. And three, John just betrayed me in a group game sooo....Why Am I In This Alliance?

Yeah, no fuck this. I say to hell with this alliance. I've talked to Derek about jumping ship and getting people on board to vote out Ryan. He said he got Mearl on board with it. Mearl said he got Jake. That's four....enough to send poor little Ryan out of this game. Sorry bro, but you just never trust me for some reason in group games. And I have no reason in aligning with you....

So Ryan may be going tonight, however I'm looking forward to the next tribal more. When the big "Mearl Blindside" occurs. That's right, I said it. Mearl is next... He keeps telling me he wants to sheep me but that is complete bullshit. I've never seen Mearl sheep anybody, why would he start now. I don't care if I have to bring out the idol sooner than expected.

..... I Want Mearl Gone Next Tribal, End Of Story...

....Following that tribal I wouldn't mind getting the bully, Derek out too...

So the next three tribals, I have three targets I want gone asap....

The Big Mouth (Ryan), The Threat (Mearl), and The Bully (Derek)..
3677 days 7 hours ago
Well I'm flipping to the dark side with two of the biggest threats in this game, Derek and Mearl. However my goal isn't trying to go to the merge with people I trust must. Hell to the no. My goal is getting to the merge period! Because I have Joe on the other side to help me out. So if voting out Ryan tonight allows me to stay alive without using my idol then so be it. However, I do want to get Derek and Mearl out pre-merge....preferably both of them so that only on will make merge through redemption island >:)
3677 days 2 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & Cole:

We still good? Plans still the same? Been at work all day

as far as i know. blindside Ryan, right?

Ok cool just double checking

this will be good :)
3677 days 2 hours ago
Convo with Cole, Wangifold, IceIceBaby, & Jxhn:

I wanted to talk to you guys privately. Mearl, Derek, and Jake came to me about blindsided Ryan tonight. They wanted me to get on board with it. I thought about it, and realized how stupid that is. So I'm playing my idol on myself tonight. However I'm voting out Derek. I don't want to align with three of the biggest players on tengaged (mearl, derek, and jakehou) and I'm sure none of you guys do too. Let alone if all three of them make the merge, it'll be a scary ass game.
So lets take out those who threats one by one. The four of us may not have the best history together, but we'd be stupid to not to align and try to get rid of these threats. You guys on board?

You sure this isn't no attempt to blindside my ass?

Andrea, we may never like each other as players. And I'll be the first to admit that I'm a sneaky son of a bitch. But this is me being real right now. Look at who we are facing. Do you really think that any of us should be targeting each other when the three of them are the biggest threats in the game: Physically and Strategically? I don't know about you, but I would rather watch them eliminate each other at redemption island so that come merge we only have to worry about one of them, if that. Know what I mean?

Ok, But I already sent my vote in for Derek so we can vote him.

Derek it is. but next we have to worry about Mearl. If we can pit those two against each other on RI, only one big physical threat will come back into the game
3676 days 22 hours ago
Well throwaway vote out of paranoia actually is the reason Ryan went home. i have no fucking idea what i was I'm forced to align with Mearl, Derek, and Jake...yikes!
3676 days 6 hours ago
Convo with Mearl & Cole:

So what game are you playing? Im rather confused

I was going to ask you the same thing. Derek said you told him that i ent you a confessional by mistake about wanting to vote you out. Is that true?

You did send a message saying to our original alliance on who we should take out 'mearl, jake or derek'.

I did? I really dont remember saying that at all. But if i did why didnt you confront me about it instead of assuming thats what i meant. I was not planning to write your name down at all this season, but Im a bit worried your playing me just like Derek is right now :/

You had lied to me about sending Derek our chat once and it seemed like you were trying to railroad me

But i was honest about it, and straight up. I told ypu right after that i did it. I had to find out from derek that you were saying stuff to him

You only told me because Derek told me first and I knew it could only be you. It's apparent that we are not the most revealing players and somebody is using that to turn us against each other

You think Derek is trying to pit us against each other? Regardless, Im sorry. Lets try to get back on the same page. I promise I have your back if you have mine. And if I hear anything, you'd be the first to know. So are we good?

If he's not trying he's doing a good job with it anyways, but yeah we need to start new and moving forward have each other back.
3675 days 15 hours ago
Convo with Cole, Mearl, Jakehou, & Bryjow:

Everybody good with voting out Andrea?

I'll do whatever you guys want. Sorry, had friends over but they just left so now I can talk

It's ok I do too!

open group


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