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JesseM's Game File

Topic » JesseM's Game File

3740 days 8 hours ago
All of JesseM's confessionals and most mail logs will be posted here.
3739 days 8 hours ago
Zouerat tribe is the one I am on and I am happy that Andrew(Turney) picked me because I am better friends with him than Mike(Survivor8) or Jake (Sparticus142)... I was picked 5th which does worry me because Andrew picked Volcom(Kevin) first and I know that they are close and I like them both and want to work with them but we shall see :P Cfff(Brian) and Corey1(Corey) are also on my tribe and I know that they are friends from stars so we have 2 pairs so I guess that means I have to work with SamSam14(Sam)... hoping that when we go to Tribal Corey goes because I don't think he likes me much :X Exile Island seems really interesting!!! I want to find the hidden immunity idol to ensure my safety :)
3711 days 13 hours ago
1. I am aligned with Mike and Andrew. Shawn is my friend as well. Gagaluv and I are okay too even though we don't talk. I was almost the first member of the jury so I have just been voting out people that voted me... AKA Meduncan, Taylor, Austin, Julian... hopefully Sparticus follows :X
2. My current strategy is hopefully getting to finals with Turney/Survivor8 :X They have both played the game before and I don't think will get many votes to win whereas it was my first time so hopefully I do? :P
3711 days 1 hour ago
Jesse's Mail To Turney & Survivor8:

Well this round I can't vote but Andrew can vote and Mike can vote two times so that's 3 votes. So whoever you guys decide to vote will go... 3-2 :P And then next time we have majority again because I will be able to vote, yay ;) I'm ok with Spart or Gagaluv going, you guys pick :P I'm worried that Mastro has all this power now :///
3710 days 6 hours ago
Ok so I have a very bad feeling about this tribal council :( Maybe it's just me being paranoid but I have a very bad feeling that I will be voted out somehow :/ I just want to say thank you for inviting me to play and I had a lot of fun mainly because you are so into hosting them and are really good at it :P And I like you a lot so you're the main reason I said yes to joining because if it was anyone else I would have said no :P But yeah top 7... two sides of 3... we have Survivor8/Turney/Cfff and then we have Shawn/Mastro/Gagaluv and then we have me... lol! Survivor8/Turney have both played before and I would love to make it far with them but I think Turney would choose cfff over me :/ Shawn can't vote or play in immunity competitions or vote but has had many idols throughout the game and who knows if he has more. Mastro has an idol. Gagaluv is at Exile island. I have no idea what to do... IDK if idols are no longer good at f5 or f4 or what? :/ Can you answer that for me? If not gl me and I will mail you my vote later after I decide what im doing :/
3706 days 1 hour ago

3706 days 1 hour ago
Jesse's Mail To Gagaluv & Cfff:

Hey Carolyn and Brian!<3 So I am messaging you today because I believe that we should vote together for the next 2 tribals and ensure our position in the final 3 :) I know that Brian has voted me and I understand why you did it and i'm not mad at all, that is in the past! Carolyn, I also voted you last tribal but I messaged you explaining why. Even though you didn't message me back I hope that you are not TOO upset with me. Honestly I think it's best if us 3 are in the final 3 because Mastro and Shawn have both played amazing games and if either of them are in the final 3 I am sure that they will win... Mastro has played a good game and Shawn has made it really far without being able to compete in individual immunity challenges and without being able to vote. He is idol king! Mastro said he will try very hard for the next immunity and since Shawn can't compete I think it's best if we vote out Mastro today and then vote out Shawn next time and we are in the final 3!!! I honestly consider you both friends before this game and I will consider you friends after this game but it would be pretty cool if we were in the final 3 together... I think I am hated by the jury as I was almost voted out when Meduncan was voted out. :/ I think you guys have a better shot at winning against me then with Mastro or Shawn in finals...
3706 days ago
if im in f3 with Brian he will win :( If im in f3 with Mastro or Shawn they win. I don't think I will win :/
3704 days 23 hours ago
OK well you know me, I am very outspoken! OK so it feels great to be in the final 4 woot woot! Now honestly I asked you if it was a f2 or f3 earlier and you didn't reply. I think it's f3  with 9 jury members... but honestly if im in the final 3 with Brian and Gagaluv I think Brian will win :/ So a f2 with 10 jury members would be better for me if I could make it there with Gagaluv :X I think I could get 6 votes... if everyone voted :X Some jury members AKA Taylor/Spart may not vote haha I want to win and I think I deserve it, we shall see ;) <3

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