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Episode 10 ~ Jennifer Caylor (Judging Panel)

Topic » Episode 10 ~ Jennifer Caylor..

4543 days 23 hours ago
Hello our gorgeous final four, and welcome back to the judging room of Tengaged's Next Top Model Cycle 6!

This season we are expecting the best of the best, and to help you achieve that we have some fabulous judges AND prizes, but first I will start with the Prizes!

- The first prize is a $1,000,000 contract with leading modelling agency, T-Models
- A cover, and 6-page spread in Tengaged Vogue
- An International campaign for Dior, which will be shown in over 120 countries around the globe
- And an Ad Campaign for one of the Top 8 Designers in the world!
- And an ad campaign for the world renowned designers: Dolce & Gabbana!
- AND A NEW PRIZE! The winner of Tengaged's Next Top Model will also be on the front cover of the January issue of T-Magazine!

Now over to our Judges :D

- First we have International Model and Designer (in her free time), Tengaged's Next Top Model Cycle 3 Winner, Lily Mincey!
- Secondly, Most recent girl to appear on Tengaged Vogue AND Tengaged's Next Top Model Cycle 5 winner, Suzanna Watson!
- And our guest judge for this week is Jennifer Caylor! Jennifer is one of the most famous couture house owners int he WORLD and has created some of the most high fashion designs on the planet!!
4543 days 22 hours ago
Millie: Okay first up we have Sarah!

Sarah: Heya!

Millie: Now Sarah, it seems as if you have been slightly slipping these past few weeks, I hope you step it up this week!

Sarah: Hopefully! But I feel I did the best on the shoot this week!

Millie: Modest much? Well lets see if you did! ~~~

Jennifer: This photo is good, but I feel that but could be better. It is incredibly pretty, and I would love to look like you, however I think that is only what it is, pretty. If you had a different dress style, and had been face-on, I would have liked this photo better.

Sarah: Such an honor! <3

Suzanna: My iPad doesn't work :S


Suzanna: Oh! Enchanting. I love this! Although, this photo isn't technically antique it's very whimsical and fairytale-esk. You have the unique ability to push the boundaries on all of the photo shoots and make it your own and that's a quality of a true top model. The face is matching the pose nicely and the garment is working. You are a forced to be reckoned with Sarah, and these girls need to watch out for you. Stay strong girl!

Millie: I agree with Suzanna I don't see 'antique' in this photo as much as I would of liked but it is very fantasy-ish? (LOOOL) You looks very attractive and you actually remind me of Sasha Pivovarova in this photo, as you have that very 'pretty' look. I would of preferred it if you had taken more of a risk which I would of expected at this point in the competition. This is a good photo, I just wanted to see something 'different' from you if you survive this week.

Sarah: Okay *scowls*

Lily:  I love your dress here, and your face is quite pretty. However I think the pose is too twee. I think any other week this would be good, but at this stage in the game it almost feels too safe. I know you can push the boundaries. Good choice of outfit though, and very demure.
I'd also like to say that you've been our most consitant contestant Sarah. Congrat yourself on your performance

Millie: Thankyou Sarah :)

Sarah: Thanks...
4543 days 22 hours ago
Millie: Okay, up next we have miss Bottom two - Annaliesse.

Annaliesse: I hope it's not the case this week!

Lily: Hopefully the old Anna comes back! :(

Annaliesse: Hopefully!

Millie: Let's see if she did! ~~~

Lily:  Okay, first off I feel the body is a little too stoic. You could have utilized your lower half for greater effect. HOWEVER, I love the upper half. Your arms frame you beautifully, you're positioning your chin well, and I like the drama of the shawl you've added here. A very nice touch.
I'd also like to say that you have the potential to win this season. You're a bit all over the place, but when you do well you shoot everyone else out of the water.

Annaliesse: Thankyou Lily, much appreciated!

Millie: I like this shot, but at this stage in the competition Annaliesse, frankly I just don't feel that it is good enough. I would of expected a dramatic pose, a fierce look on your face and a high fashion theme to your shoot but this was a bit of an anticlimax for me. I know you can do so much better, but I worry that each week you second-guess yourself and go for something worse than you usually can. Just look at your first few weeks where your photos were amazing.

Annaliesse: I know :(

Jennifer: Annaliesse I like this shot, as it is pretty like Sarah’s, but for some reason it doesn’t seem up to par with the rest of the other photos. It looks a bit boring and I don’t see the model as well as I do the other girls, my least favourite.

Suzanna: Well, I hate to admit it but I find this photo to be very flat. The gown is gorgeous as well as the surrounding environment but for a modeling stand point, I feel like you aren’t owning the shot by any means. I am all about the subtly in the arms and the grace they exude but your face isn’t exuding that same grace and elegance. This is a good shot but not a great one. I feel like Annie, that you are slipping. You aren’t living up to your potential. I believe in you but we need to see you doing better if you sruvvie this week.

Annaliesse: Thanks Suzanna!

Millie: Thank YOU Annaliesse.
4543 days 22 hours ago
Millie: Our third girl to critique is miss Callie Lusk!

Callie: Thankyou miss Titmus!

Millie: Are you ready to see your best shot Callie?

Lily: I AM GURL!

Callie: YES!

Millie: Well, here it is Callie ~~~

Millie: For me Callie, this is your BEST shot of the competition! It is fierce, it is high fashion and I'm really glad that you went for a model which is less known in the modelling industry, but is one of the best up-and-coming models in the world at the moment. Your eyes are so intense, that they are burning from me, and you are making the dress look so elegant is is unbelievable! You did a really great job this week, Congratulations!

Callie: Oh....My....Gosh!

Jennifer: I think this photo is really cool Callie! It is very seductive and you look really nice. I would be proud to have you as a model for my shop as I feel that you could fit the clothes really well! Great job this week!

Suzanna: Absolute. Perfection! Callie, this is perhaps my favorite shot of you this entire season! You have nailed the theme perfectly! Both the outfit and the background portray the theme very well and you own the garment. The pose is sexy but very fashionable at the same time. Your face is guarded by the lace but your eyes still shine through. Overall this is a great shot. I have pushed you this entire competition and it’s because I know you can produce shots like this. Stay focused Callie and you will go far in these crucial final rounds.

Callie: WOW, I can't believe this is happening to me!!!

Lily: Neither Can I! :O

Lily: Very classic! Your face is perfect, your posture is amazing and I absolutely love the clothes here. It has a classic kind of beauty to it and I love it. This might honestly be one of my favorite photos this whole season, and girl *looks Callie dead in the eye* I'd love for you to be my fashion muse when I release my winter fashion line. Bravo!

Suzanna: You did great Callie.

Callie: I can't believe I did....

Millie: Thankyou.
4543 days 22 hours ago
Millie: And last, but certainly not least we have Kassi!

Kassi: Miss Fox is doing very well this week :D

Suzanna: I thought your last name was Dungen?

Kassi: It is, but Cox is Montana's <3

Lily: Oh :S

Millie: Well miss Montana lover, here is your best shot of the week! ~~~

Suzanna: Well I find this shot kind of weird but strangely I am really liking it! You went very Victorian with this theme which is a step further than some girls went and I find that to be impressive. The garment is very sheik and your pose gives it good shape. I love your collar accessory and the crown in your hair as well. Kassi during this competition, I didn’t expect much from you but you have absolutely proved me wrong. You took our critique and continued to grow week after week. I am very impressed by your growth and this shot as well!


Millie: I agree, although this photo isn't conventionally pretty, I feel that out of all of the girls, it is the most high fashion and the shot that would most likely be in Italian Vogue. What I like to see in this competition, are girls like you who don't go for the most attractive models, but for the ones that takes risks and stand out, and Kassi you have most definitely stood out this season, from the rest of the girls and I'm really shocked that you made it this far! Well done!

Kassi: *tears up*

Lily: Well you definately took a risk. And you have some great movement here. However I don't like the face. Your mouth looks like it is missing teeth and you look like you're  missing an arm. I appreciate the risk taking though!
I'd also like to say that out of all the girls I worry about you the most, well I would... but I forget about you a lot.  Can't someone I don't remember be a top model? :S Good luck!

Jennifer: I agree....I kind of like this photo, and I kind of don’t, although the styling is really weird, but cool at the same time, I don’t like the face. If she hadn’t been like scowling at us, then it would have been nicer, but obviously you didn’t and that’s why I don’t like it.

Kassi: Thanks Jennifer :L

Jennifer: Sorry!!

Millie: That is all Kassi!
4543 days 22 hours ago
Millie: Now girls, it is time for you to take part in your challenge! Like what the judges have just done, you will each have to critique each others photos! Whoever gives the bets critiques and goes into the most detail will win the challenge and a special prize!
4543 days 17 hours ago
Sarah – I find this photo to be alright, it reminds me a lot of Alice in Wonderland for some reason. I wish I could see her face, the way her face is angled makes it hard to see her face. I feel like a good face can see a photo and unfortunate for me she isn’t giving it to me. As far as the pose its alright, it would have been so much stronger if she would have been standing straight into the camera, that way we could get a full view of the dress and her face. Love the surroundings but you don’t want the background to overshadow the model.

Annaliesse – FIERCE BONE STRUCTURE! I love a model with such sharp bone structure. The dress looks amazing on her. I don’t know if I feel a lot of vintage in this picture but I love the dress. Kinda looks like little crystals all down her body. I love the train of the dress it looks like water flowing! The dark background really fits with the whole styling. Her pale skin makes her shine even with such a dark surrounding.

Kassi – Personally I liked your other picture better. It was my favorite picture posted out of all of us. This is a step down to me. The outfit to me looks way more modern than vintage. I do understand the necklace thing she has around her neck is very vintage but the shoes and outfit feel to modern to me. I really love the face though its strong and in control. It reminds me of ugly pretty modeling her face can come off as ugly but yet it works with the photoshoot. Love the pose as well just wish I could have seen her other hand, it kinda looks like she’s missing a hand, overall good pose and face but I felt it more modern than vintage.
4543 days 11 hours ago
Annaliese - This photo is just not working for me. The dress doesn't look antique at ALL to me. It looks like you are wearing a wedding dress pretending to be an angel. The pose of the upper part of the body looks good to me! But nothing is impressing me from down. It just looks really stiff to me. The eyes are closed which does not  help either, HOWEVER I love your bone structure! It is just not a photo I would remember and be like WOW. Overall I like it A BIT and it is an OK shot.

Callie - When I first looked at this photo I said WOW. But then I remembered we have to post antique photos. This photo does not look antique to me AT ALL. Not one bit. And then when I looked closely at the whole thing I just didn't like it. The upper part of the clothing does but everything else just doesn't. In fact, it looks like a REALLY modern photo to me. I don't really see any vintage here. The only thing i see is too much sexiness and we are looking for a high fashion photo not for a spread in a porn magazine, HALF OF THE BOOB IS SHOWING!!!! The model just looks as if she's trying to  hard. The face expression is just a big NO. The mouth and eyes look too week for me, I'm sorry.

Kassi - This photo is probably one of the worse pictures of the cycle, I am sorry but just looking at it makes my eyes hurt. I praise you for getting an antique photo, but you really took it too far. It is too antique, the hair is disgusting, the face looks like a dead frog to me and t he clothing is just a NO. The background isn't  helping too at all. And once again as I told Annaliese, the only thing that stands out for me is the bone structure. AND WHAT IS UP WITH THE THING AROUND YOUR NECK? Looks like a circus clown ready for a fight to me. I've seen you done a lot better. I am very disappointed in you.
4543 days 8 hours ago
Sarah~ I honestly don't dislike this shot, but when I put it against everyone else's shots it might be my least favorite. The styling is ohmahLORD stunning, but I don't think that this shot is anything but ok because your face is lackluster. It looks slightly possesed, and your body language reads a bit like that of a little girl who's about to throw a tantum.Also, the shot is framed in a weird way, which is not entirely your fault but we do choose the pictures so it's just a thought. I think you have been the girl who is the most consistent, but this is a slight falter for you.

Callie~ This shot is ok, I think the body is pretty good and the face is very good but in the end this doesn't read antique to me. It seems like a very modern, simplistic outfit with a very slight hint of antique to it. The leather skirt, crazy tights, and sheerness everywhere seem very "Marc Jacobs" and not so much "vintage old-timey". I think that this week has been a bit of a downstep for some of the girls, and I think you have managed to stay consistent. I understand what the judges see in this picture, but in the end I think that there aren't enough elements in this to make an amazing picture, or to suit the theme.

Kassi~ You are the girl who always goes for the risky photos, the crazy stuff, and this week I think it didn't work in your favor. I think it's a bit of a shame you used this picture, because I thought that your first picture was AMAZING. It looked like it could be a stunning couture ad campaign or fierce Numero cover, but after you changed it I didn't know how you would make out this week. This is a shot that has all the elements of a good shot; crazy hair, beautiful clothes, stunning setting, a model who is willing to work with her face and bring unexpected emotion to a picture, and I commend you for being willing to take risks with your posing and facial expressions. However, this particular shot doesn't make use of the elements you brought together. The face is definitely beautiful, even if it's looking a little snaggletoothy, it reminds me of Lara Stone's Calvin Klein ads, but it doesn't work with the way you're moving your arms, or the way that the dress is enveloping your body. As a model, it is your job to work clothes, own clothes, and sell clothes. Sadly, the dress has completely swallowed you from the chest down. Your amputee arm is slightly odd, but fashion is odd and this kind of motion is an excusable reason for amputee sydnrome. As I've said before, you are a wonderful model who is one of the riskier and more fashion-forward girls here, but I'm afraid that your fearlessness in front of the camera has completely blown up in your face.
4543 days 5 hours ago
Sarah: It’s a very beautiful shot, but I feel that very little of that has to do with you. I think the dress itself and the photography are what make this shot intriguing, but I’m not totally drawn to you in this photograph. The body language is just so stiff and safe, as if you’re letting that gown outshine you on purpose. I do like the intensity in the eyes, and the way that you’re looking slightly off-camera does add some mystery to the photograph. Overall, however, you played it safe.

Annaliesse: I’m having a love-hate relationship with your face. There is just something so artistic and beautiful about your bone structure itself, and I feel in terms of mastering that, you have succeeded. I think in terms of emoting something in your expression, you have failed. It just reads cold, aloof and hard to me honestly. As for the body language, I’m not really interested in it. I like flow of your arm in relation to the fabric, but as a whole the pose is quite safe for me, very model 101.

Callie: This is a great shot and is actually my favorite of the week. There’s just something extremely relaxed and natural about you in this photograph. I love the romantic, elegant feel of this shot. I think the body language is quite beautiful. Unlike the other two shots, I find your pose to be very fluid. The way you are creating this curvature from your torso to your head is quite beautiful. What weakens this shot is the face. Not the expression. I find your eyes to be quite piercing, which is great. I just think that the angle and the lighting both make your face look very flat. I think angling your head a bit would give your face a bit more dimension.

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