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THE VOWS from christoad and cocoA

Topic » THE VOWS from christoad and..

637 days 4 hours ago
637 days 4 hours ago
From christoad to cocoA:::

cocoA the LOVE OF MY LIFE 馃挊馃挊馃挊
where do I even begin

Ever since we formed an alliance in hunger many months ago
I always felt mesmerized by you, I just didn't know how to describe the feeling
Then we became best friends on christossss and CocoVanderbilt
Until I had to leave for mandatory army :(
The initial thought of being in the army was daunting
Not only was I away from you, I was also seperated from my entire stash of alcohol back home

Initially, I found the army to be miserable
I was constantly yelled at and bullied for being "dead weight" and didn't have the muscles to even properly hold a gun upright
(Not to mention, you were always on the back of my mind, besides my stash of alcohol back home) 馃様
Being the lightest weight forced me to share a bed with the other larger, stronger, and hot army dudes
Which led to us accidentally cuddling
and the next thing you know......... we 馃槵馃槵


That was when it changed me and I FINALLY came to terms that I am gay 馃檪

Being the lightest weight however, got me kicked out of the army (even though I'M SURE my alcohol tolerance is better than them ALL)
but thankfully, it happened just in time for RTG
Ever since making these accounts, we have fallen madly in love with each other and I realized I wanted to marry you and be with you FOREVER

No matter how much I loved and missed snuggling with the army men, none of them compared to you

To cocoA, my DREAM husband

--- I promise to always have your back in life just like I did in tengaged games
--- I will love you unconditionally and cherish you forever 馃挒
--- I'll be your l*ittle spoon to your b*g spoon that I've always been looking for 馃槏
--- I will spoil you with my family's fortune and buy you anything and everything you want
--- We will travel the world together every single day and play frookies from our hotel room
--- I will take you out to all the top class fine dining restaurants and pay you using my parent's fortune
--- We'll get drunk af every night (no need to worry because my driver will pick us up)
--- We can go to the spa every week and get mani's and pedi's together
--- I'll even let you wipe my ass for me whenever I happen to accidentally break my bidet from 馃槵馃槵馃槵馃槵 which happens quite often
(Susana will be RELIEVED she no longer has to do it 馃挬馃槵)
--- Thank you for loving me the way I don't deserve
--- My parents will love you and can't wait for you to be part of our family
--- Susana can't wait to take care of you
--- Thank you for always being there for me and having my back no matter what
--- Even though you called me ugly, stinky, a twig, and roasted me for my messy hair and the fact that I never shower, I am honored to be your phone lockscreen 馃槏
--- Even though you think I'm ugly, you gave me the confidence to post my cringey stars vlog earlier this year
(even though I will NEVER forgive you for saving my vlog on snapchat)
--- Besides that, I love everything else about you, everytime you send me a snap, I quite literally drool. I just wanna run my hand across that bald scalp of yours and hoe nestly, your bald head makes me feel better about my inability to grow a nice beard

omg cocoA I could go on and on about how perfect you are and all the reasons I want to marry you but we will be standing here forever

Let's just get married, get drunk, then we'll go back to our room so you can b*g spoon me so hard like never before :*
637 days 4 hours ago
From cocoA to christoad::

Hi christoad, I'll just jump right out and say it. I'm so in love with you 馃槶馃槶馃槶 we joked around a little bit before you went a way for a while, but my dreams came true the moment you came back. I've loved talking and getting close as fuck with you the past month. I want to get even closer. For the rest of our lives. Take me to Greece, let's live our lives like we are young forever. Kiss me you Greek fucker 馃槜馃槏馃槏馃槏

- I promise to always have open and honest communication with you and tellin you how sexy you are every night before we sleep
- I take you christoad, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us part
- I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health.
- except if you are super super bad then I'm gonna toss you out like the trash you are.
- you also better start grooming your messy hair. Actually I'll do it and run my hands through your sexy self and body.
- oh sorry back to the vows. I promise to love you forever, never turn my back on you.
- your charming and fun personality makes it always amazing talking to you.
- I can trust you with absolutely everything and have loved growing so close to you
- if there's anything I want to do in life, I want to do it with you.
- you're the loml, now and will always be forever 馃敟馃敟鉂わ笍鉂わ笍馃槝

Yours always,
637 days 4 hours ago
I just read yours christoad, it was so perfect. I'll be big
637 days 3 hours ago

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