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The strict's blog

Posts 5 posts

Biggest CUNT :: You Decide :: POOL A May 29, 2010
imageHaskova - How isn't Haskova a facking cunt and a half? I should give her the award automatically, that cunt.  Blogs about politics, world issues, religion, ect ect.. Guess what Haskova.. Nobody cares about your opinions, because your opinions suck.

ShayBay - The Top Habbo D8er, along with me and Tyler Ebonics.  What isn't cunt-like about somebody who looks like a cunt, moans like a cunt, and smells like a cunt (I can only predict)..  ShayBay is stupid, ridiculous, and has this cunt vibe to her. 

Nicolette - The Wild Wild Cunt of the West.  Nikki is your typical American cunt.  She is like no other cunt.  She's chubby, has ALRIGHT boobs, and a brain that made her drop out of college and get fired from Walmart.  Listen Nicolette, just because your Mother was a slutty cunt that married 4 times, doesen't mean you have to show your boobs 24/7.. ecspecially when you're a bit chubby.. VERDICT.. you're a cunt.
Points: 3 3 comments
DAV AM IN TEARS May 29, 2010

Points: 0 1 comments
autobiography on nicolette May 27, 2010
imageHey again! Okay so I thought I would go over my family history a little bit today...
I have 3 half sisters (Amanda-27, Alyssa-13, Rachel-3), 1 half brother (Aaron-8), 1 step sister (Rebeccah-18), and 2 step brothers (Austin-16, Caleb-14). That's seven siblings. My parents got a divorce when I was just over 3 years old. But I saw my father every weekend of my entire childhood and still have a good relationship with him today. He married a lady named Dina when I was 14...I think. I was in their wedding. My mom has been married 4 times, Tim (Amanda's father), Roger (My dad), Bill (Alyssa's father), and Troy (Aaron's father). She is currently dating a guy named Adam, they have no plans to get married, and actually I shouldn't say 'currently' because they broke up, yet again, last night. But I wouldn't give that more than 4 days.
My best friend's name is Casey Webb, she has a son named Kobe and a daughter named Brianne. Casey had her daughter Bree when she was only 16 and still in high school. So her parents convinced her to sign off custody to them. So now Bree calls Casey 'Casey' instead of mom and says that she's her 'sister' it's a really sad story and I feel bad for all involved. But Casey knew that she was doing something really great for her daughter when she let her parents adopt her. So I suppose it's all good. And now she has Kobe to fill that void.
Back to my mother I suppose.
Okay, when I was in 2nd grade I had this friend, we stayed friends all throughout school and became best friends after high school was over. We had a lot of fun together, but her mom and her brothers hated me because supposedly I was 'corrupting' her? I don't really know. We seriously didn't do anything horrible, I would never do drugs and I've never even had a cigarette in my life, but apparently we were just horrible teens lol.
Anyway, she and I stopped talking and now she like, hates me lol for some unknown reason. Considering I never really did anything to her. She was saying something about me 'hitting' on her brother (and if you saw her brother you would laugh out loud, because the dude looks like a lady...for real and a none too attractive one at that). Well anyway, my mom had been messing around with her dad for a while, I knew about it but didn't say anything about it. They stopped their relationship, and there never seemed like any real reason to tell my friend. My mom and her dad still kept in contact though. (Her mom and dad are still married by the way). And when my mom's boyfriend (or ex as the case may be) found some e-mails that my mom and my friends dad had sent back and forth, he got drunk and called my old friends mom, telling her all about my mom and her husbands relationship!! And the worst part about it, was that they weren't sleeping together or even seeing eachother anymore!
So now when my mom goes through the McDonalds drive thru (where my old friend works, and has worked for a while, and will probably always work) my ex friend treats my mom like crap...LOL.
I'm not really sure what else to add to today, so I'm just gonna call it quits, I'll have more tomorrow!
Oh! Remember my best friend Casey that I was talking about way earlier? The one with the kids? Yeah, she's getting married in a courthouse tomorrow. And I'm supposed to be there...It was originally supposed to be a big wedding and I was a bridesmaid, I even have the dress! But something happened and now she isn't getting the wedding that she wants cause Tom's sister is a bitch! lol. Long story, I'll save it for another day...
Points: 0 0 comments
Hey Nicolette, May 27, 2010
This is kind of a question from the lads.

You stated that there are 5 lads, and 3 of them are retarded.

I'm sure one of them is me.  We have had a few arguments, and in all of them you either gave up or pulled a common internet getaway card "roofl youre obsessed!"

You also dropped out of college

You got fired by Walmart

I'm just getting at this - You calling us retarded would make you an ian supercoolwillow

So, why are we "retarded"
Points: 0 2 comments
I'm the new Lad in town, May 26, 2010
and surely im not facking around
Points: 0 3 comments