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The shougo's blog

Posts 5 posts

So long OrangePenguin! Aug 25, 2009
So a very good friend OrangePenguin was evicted tonight and the house is the worse for his eviction.

He was the best of all worlds. Someone who was there to calm down the dramas and someone who was there getting pissed at the BB toga parties. Revealed a bit too much flesh though!!!

See you later Orange Penguin. Don't be a stranger!!
Points: 21 2 comments
So I have joined a new house today. People in this house are pretty cool so I am looking forward to the game and where it may lead. Good luck to you all!!
Points: 12 4 comments
So I came 2nd in my first ever game which is pretty much a near-miracle on the basis that I had no idea what was going on for most of the time,. Ha ha! Congratulations to Kate and to Johnny for 4th and 3rd but massive congrats to Harley, you were a very worthy winner, mate. It was great meeting you all and I really enjoyed being your housemate. All the best to you all in your future games. Farewell!
Points: 13 0 comments
FINAL NIGHT!!!! Aug 22, 2009
I cannot belieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeve it! I have made it to the final night without a single day on the nomination block. I am well excited. I don't really care whether I win now as I just wanted to get to the final night. Good luck to all of my fellow 3 finalists - Harley, AmberKate and Johnny (where did you go dude? You haven't been on for over a day!)! We are all winners in my opinion so it is just a few final hours till the result. Cannot wait! Hope to see you again in another house in another time. Until then so long!!
Points: 9 2 comments
Hey all players and evictees of GAME 9472!!! Aug 22, 2009
Hey everyone. I thought I would write a quick message to say how great my first game has been. It has been truly awesome and although the house has got quiet over the last day or two, it was so active in the earlier stages and I feel that I have got to know some really cool people. So I want to thank you all for making my first game so enjoyable and for explaining all the rules and other parts to this game to me. Which was pretty much on a daily basis wasn't it guys!!!

Anyway, good luck to all of you in your future games. It would be nice to think that we will meet here again in another house at some other time in the future. Bye for now!!
Points: 13 0 comments