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The rtvguru22's blog

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Big Brother 11 Thoughts... 7/23/09 Jul 24, 2009
Oh my goodness... this week in Big Brother has been cr-crazy!!!
Ronnie getting attacked by the whole house; although Lydia, Jessie, Russell, and Natalie still secretly were visiting Ronnie.  I think Ronnie is still in an okay position in the game because a lot of people will want to keep him in the game because he is so hated.
With Jessie winning HoH I was happy because it's bound to be another crazy week in the Big Brother house.  Something that is really pissing me off about this season is all the fans around the boards saying that their boycotting Big Brother because they hate Jessie... which really makes me mad because their obviously not true Big Brother fans.   

This week is going to be so good, I predict Casey and Michelle will be nominated.
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Big Brother 11 Thoughts... 7/19/09 Jul 19, 2009
Thoughts On The Cast

Casey: I think Casey is a cool cat, that is sliding under the radar. He is fun to watch on the feeds... but I don't think he has a lot of strategy to offer and that's my favorite aspect of the game. He is really nice and doesn't start drama and get involved in the gossip; however he has no one in the house that is willing to fight for him to stay in the house and that's a major necessity in Big Brother so I predict he will leave within the next three weeks. Overall, I think he is a cool person and someone that would be fun to hang out with but he is a boring player.

Chima: The majority of y'all know that I'm a humongous Chima fan! She is in my top three favorite Big Brother contestants of all time. Her personality is truly one of a kind; and I honestly can picture her being one of my good friends in the real world. Everyone on the message boards seems to dislike her because of her bitchy personality... however I think it's a great strategy because people are intimidated by her. I've heard Jessie tell Natalie and Russel "do not piss off Chima because she is the most dangerous player in the house, she's like Libra... trust me; you don't want her on your bad side...". Her speech during the eviction ceremony was very well planned, because it showed where her loyalties were in the house and by doing that has landed herself in a very strong final four alliance (Natalie, Jessie, Ronnie, and herself). Chima is my favorite player in the house, she is very intelligent, very strategic, and extremely entertaining.

Jeff: I think he is a great competitor that has a lot to offer to this game. He was telling Jordan this morning that he has thrown every competition this season; but he will definitely win the Veto because he will actually try... and he did that. He has a lot of potential and I'm very excited to see how his character will develop throughout the season. I don't think he will win because he has so many enemies that want him out very badly such as Chima, Lydia, and Kevin. I honestly do not know what Jeff has done to make so many enemies; but by doing so it has hindered his chances from winning a lot. I have not seen a lot of strategy on his behalf yet which is why I don't particularly like him... however I do know he is a good guy at heart and will not give up or bow down to anyone in this game which I admire and respect.

Jessie: Jessie is playing a brilliant game, I know Laura and Jordan hate him... however a lot of other people in the house seem to be bowing down to him and doing whatever he asks. He nominated both Lydia and Chima; and yet they still love him and are willing to do whatever he asks short of quitting the game. He has Ronnie and Natalie willing to go to war for him which is a very valuable asset in this game and I can honestly say he has learned a lot from his mistakes last season and is playing a brilliant game. He is playing a very calm game, very logical, and very selfish which are three things that will help you win this game.

Jordan: She is a stereotypical blond; cute and naive. I don't think she has a lot of strategy other than being nice to people and doing whatever Jeff tells her to do. She is definitely Jeff's lapdog in this game and is viewed as a complete joke by Jessie and his gang. I think she has a lot of potential to make it far into this game just because she is sweet and people don't view her as a threat at all... but if she wants to win; she really needs to step her game up.

Kevin: I think he is a very boring player... however the boring players often make it very far into the game. He doesn't have any enemies to my knowledge which is great for him, and he has a very strong relationship with Lydia. He is playing a fairly good game right now... however no one is thinking about taking him far into the game except for Lydia; so he needs to work more on his personal relationships with people. I know he is smart and knows Big Brother well by his pre-game interviews; so being boring and laying low could very well be his strategy and carry him far into the game. If he left soon, I'd be surprised... but I wouldn't be sad; I'm all about keeping the most entertaining, most manipulative players in the house for pure entertainment reasons.

Laura: I was obsessed with Laura pre-game; however... I think she has made some very naive decisions throughout her stay in the Big Brother house. She has moments of brilliance, and moments of utter stupidity. I understand she doesn't want to be walked all over; but by her yelling at Jessie (an obvious leader of the opposing alliance) put nearly every nail in her coffin if she ever found herself on the block. She has a slim chance of survival this week... I know there is a possible backdoor Russel plan; but as soon as Jessie and Natalie were informed of this plan, it seems like it might not be a possibility anymore because of Laura's freak out with Jessie that made him so mad that he will stop at nothing to evict her. I really do like Laura, because I see a lot of potential in her and I really do hope she survives this week; but I think there is less than a 10% chance she will be able to stay this week.

Lydia: I really didn't like Lydia pre-game based on her interviews and her ultra laid-back personality. However... I've grown to love her! She has a great mind set for Big Brother and is willing to do anything to win this game which I love. She is very strategic and has made great relationships with numerous people. My only concern for Lydia is that she is very emotional and plays this game without thinking all her options through; she jumps to conclusions. I still really like Lydia even though she is emotional and I really hope that she does well in this game!

Michelle: I feel really bad for Michelle as she has been attacked a lot this season, and it's only week two... and her clique has already given up on her and talking about how they wish they could nominate her. I think she plays the game very personal, and not strategic at all which is a huge mistake in Big Brother; and because of that she will not last long in this game. She has no strong connection with anyone in the house and people view her as an easy target and a pushover; and to be honest I; I don't blame them for thinking that. I had high hopes for her at the beginning of the game... but I honestly don't see any chance for her to win this game.

Natalie: She is crazy! I really like her for entertainment reasons although I don't see her winning this game at all... even if she makes it to the final two; I really don't think she has a chance. Her 'balls to the wall' personality and attitude makes her fun to watch on the feeds and show, and I can't wait until she gets nominated to see her 'inner bitch' come out as she has been saying. Natalie is strong in competitions and I think she will make it far into the game; but I really don't see her having any chance at winning this game. She is smart by wanting no one from her 'clique' evicted and has a great relationship with Jessie, Chima, and Ronnie which those are two great things working for her.

Ronnie: His controversial decisions and risky strategy make him the most complex player of the season. I'm not a Ronnie fan at all... but he definitely keeps me on my toes, and the fact that I don't know what he's going to do next makes me love this week as he is HoH. He is intelligent, however I believe he thinks he is smarter than he really is. The thing I don't like about him the most is he bows down to Jessie... as soon as Jessie voiced his opinion about not wanting Russel back-doored which was Ronnie's initial strategy as soon as Jeff won the PoV, Ronnie became a coward and started agreeing with whatever Jessie was saying. If Ronnie puts Russel up as the replacement nominee; I will like him so much more because it will show me he has his own agenda and doesn't do whatever Jessie says.

Russel: He is entertaining, that's for sure... but because of his negative behavior. His two irrational fights with Lydia and Jeff were completely out of line that make people dislike him a lot. I don't think he is as smart as some of the other house guests are giving him credit for, and his ego really bothers me. I really hope that Russel gets back-doored this week; although I think it's a 10% chance of that happening... if that. It would be so entertaining if Russel got back-doored this week because he would flip out and be so mad! I don't like Russel... and I hope he leaves soon, I think it is a good possibility he will not make it much farther with so many people already scheming for him to leave.

Thoughts On The Twist

The Thirteenth House Guest: I really enjoyed this twist, because it was a good concept that gave the winning clique a huge advantage... however the only problem I have with this twist is that it should have been a more equal challenge because I think it was definitely geared for the athletes to win as it had a lot to do with strength.

The Cliques: I love this twist... I attribute the cliques to the reason so much drama is occurring this season. With more people being safe when someone wins HoH brings more paranoia to the house guests that are in danger and truly does change a lot of the strategy people are using. The casting producers did a great job, because they really embodied the whole high school aspect as there is definitely the 'in' and 'out' crowd.

General Thoughts Of The Season

Chima's Speech: I loved Chima's speech, it was controversial, it got the point across! I also think it was a strategic decision to show Jessie and his gang that she was with them and loyal to them without a doubt. Definitely one of the highlights of the season in my opinion.

Jeff and Jordan's Showmance: I think it's cute... and I know it seems to be shaping up for them to just be friends, but I'm rooting for them to have a showmance. They both seem to be genuine people and I think they would make a great couple.

The Natural Born Killers: I think this is one of the strongest alliances Big Brother has ever seen... and I find it funny that Jessie has taken the leader spot in this alliance because last season he was such an idiot, but looking at his game this season... he is doing great.
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